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  1. B


    I have been banding for 25 years and have no problems. Give a tetanus shot and get the band tight,
  2. B

    Compton brought a Chute Full to the Cattle Congress

    Well, that is what I am about, premium price for premium beef.
  3. B

    Compton brought a Chute Full to the Cattle Congress

    And for me tenderness is critical.
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    Compton brought a Chute Full to the Cattle Congress

    Five eighths shorthorn I believe. They fit with the rest of my cattle. A little lighter red maybe.
  5. B

    Compton brought a Chute Full to the Cattle Congress

    Yes they are good cattle and I think the meat will be good.
  6. B

    Compton brought a Chute Full to the Cattle Congress Maybe this will help, I am not techno enough to put my pictures on.
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    Compton brought a Chute Full to the Cattle Congress

    For what it is worth I bought a LUING bull awhile back. his oldest calves are about two and are getting close to ready. When we sample the meat I will have an idea if they fit. So far I like them, I think the females will make good cows. They have a little extra hair which is good in north...
  8. B

    Compton brought a Chute Full to the Cattle Congress

    Thanks for the tip. I will check it out.
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    Compton brought a Chute Full to the Cattle Congress

    That is why I like Shorthorns, they are a little more laid back. I do have a couple of rude ones but the cows have many acres and a lot of feed to work with, so it works out.
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    Compton brought a Chute Full to the Cattle Congress

    Never had a Simmental so I will take your word on that.
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    Compton brought a Chute Full to the Cattle Congress

    We graze a lot of cover crops and bale graze also so competition isn't a probem.
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    Compton brought a Chute Full to the Cattle Congress

    That is one of the reasons I like cows that are a little smaller, they stay in good shape better.