Recent content by BigNSoTX

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  1. B

    Injured dew claw

    It'll heal itself eventually. Just keep it clean. Unless this show is a major one this weekend, I sure wouldn't bounce him around in a trailer. I'd just leave him at home.
  2. B

    Knot of rear hock

    One of our Hereford steers has this knot on the inside of his right rear hock. It’s soft to the touch like an abscess. Anyone have any idea on what that could be or a treatment?
  3. B

    Bigger Navel

    Can you add a picture to help those posters who are more knowledgeable than myself see what you are trying to fix?
  4. B

    Shy Steer

    Best thing I did for a calf like that is hauled him to a jackpot and left him tied in the stall overnight. It changed everything for him From then on, as soon as he was stalled at any show we went to, he ate, drank, and laid down to rest right away.
  5. B

    Sunglo feed

    I've only fed the finisher, but my calves really didn't like it. It was rare that they'd finish everything in the trough.
  6. B

    Cow/Calf Pair at Show

    People at my county bring in Priefert panels and build a small corral to close them up at night so they can walk around and nurse.
  7. B

    Business Done Right calves

    I can't answer that question for you but I do know that every one I've ever been around has been absolutely nuts. Sugar Ray style.
  8. B

    Show Heifer Feed

    Breeding heifers. Definitely don't want them getting too fat to breed when it's time but want them looking their best in the show ring.
  9. B

    Show Heifer Feed

    I don't have them yet. I'm just trying to make sure we're prepared when I get them home.
  10. B

    Show Heifer Feed

    We're new to the heifer game and will have 2 on feed this year (Hereford and Chi/Percentage Simmi). We've fed steers for 3 years and I fed them growing up. What do you feed them? I've read tons of stuff and it's all different. We feed steers Nutrena Beefmaker 12 to grow steers until we move...