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  1. D

    Basin hobo 79e

    Thanks for the info, A.J.
  2. D

    Need Suggestions Roan or white THICK CE heifer bull Cannot be DS or PHA

    JSF Ronan has sired really good calves for us. Ronan's calves have all been unassisted here. We have used him on heifers for the first time for fall 2024 calves and believe in his calving ease, partly because of his Outlaw dam--that bloodline has flat shoulders, designed for ease of calving...
  3. D

    how long for AI cows to be over Due?

    Some bulls sire calves that stay in the cow longer (such as Dividend, Shorthorn bull). One AI calf was 3 weeks late back when extreme growth was the top priority. Even though we select for cows that have a large pelvis and seldom pull a calf, we changed to bulls that sire shorter gestation...
  4. D

    2023 herdsires

    Go to Homeplace Farms on youtube. HHC 1625, a red bull, is the one you are looking for. In the 2:20 video of HHC 1625, Martindell Tradition 1120 is the photobomber across the fence from the old bull, mostly in the last minute of the video. 1120 has developed very well and is running with the...
  5. D

    2023 herdsires

    Endless Meadows, your AI list includes several proven cow-makers. Diamond, the same goes for you. Way to go on not being a member of the bull of the month club! Our walking bull this spring is Martindell Tradition 1120, who is making his debut. AI includes JSF Gauge 137W and JSF Times...
  6. D

    Spooky heifer?

    Your heifer may deserve a second chance? Our heifer group sometimes has been startled by tom cat fights and possibly racoons. We have coyotes, foxes, and other things that run nearby during the night and/or make terrifying noises. Someone who sometimes feeds them suggested that "something had...
  7. D

    Weston Surprise 9th Dr. Bert Moore Those are very attractive calves.
  8. D

    2023 Rodeo Austin!

    Congratulations on your success!
  9. D

    2023 Calves

    That's a great photo of contentment! Other than the snow, the calves' bedding looks good enough for their herdsman to take a nap. I wish my late grandpa and dad were alive to tell us what it was like sleeping, when they were "riding the rail" with their Shorthorn show herd.
  10. D


    Your partnership bull calf in the photo posted last Friday looks really good--his style, balance, and structure are admirable.
  11. D


    What is the name of that bull calf?
  12. D


    "Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me"--may your holiday season be filled with peace and joy! If anyone wants this post to be about cattle, don't we all prefer peaceful cattle? Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  13. D

    What's new?

    Yes, it is working!
  14. D

    OSU wins NAILE over TX A&M

    Is there a way to see all the individual scores, and not just the top 10? Are there still five on a team to total, for the team's score?
  15. D

    Welcome to the updated Steer Planet

    It is refreshing to see Steer Planet's return to its mission of being about cattle! Here's to wishing you all the best.