Recent content by Jive Turkey

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  1. Jive Turkey


    This will also take all of the oil out of the hair so make sure to moisturize the heck out of the hair with conditioner after.
  2. Jive Turkey

    Heifer feed

    That’s a nice calf!
  3. Jive Turkey

    Hair Growth

    It is what it is. Keep doing what you are doing.
  4. Jive Turkey

    Head butting steer

    Separate him from the companion steer.
  5. Jive Turkey

    Embryos and or Pregnancies

    Embryos are hit or miss but if you have the money, go right ahead.
  6. Jive Turkey


    OK, I thought you meant for a live calf. I'd just breed her to a low birth weight Angus. I'd check with other breeders or a bull stud and ask their suggestions,
  7. Jive Turkey


    First calf heifer?
  8. Jive Turkey

    Opinions on steer

  9. Jive Turkey

    Opinions on steer

    So 3rd in class? What did he weigh?
  10. Jive Turkey

    Opinions on steer

    How did you do?
  11. Jive Turkey

    Opinions on steer

    Job well done!
  12. Jive Turkey


    They usually only put hands on them at a terminal, market steer show. I wish they put hands on them at all ages.