Recent content by steer_1989

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  1. S

    Steer Not wanting to eat 😢

    The temperature is around 70-80 degrees. Other than the oat hay he has grain and sometimes grass hay. He’s fed 1-2 flakes of hay per day. The numbers on the rations are 4.18% fat, 12.28% protein and 9.31% fiber. I wash/rinse him 3-4 times a week. His stall is clean and he has straw as bedding.
  2. S

    Steer Not wanting to eat 😢

    Hey so my 900lbs steer has recently not been eating. I feed him 14lbs twice a day at typically 12-hour intervals. For example this morning he only ate around 4lbs, and yesterday afternoon he only ate 5lbs. He also has fresh water daily and oat hay which he does eat. Is there any supplements I...