Recent content by TxAdmin

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  1. TxAdmin

    I guess the parties over.

    We are here, just gotta start some topics, and get the conversation going.
  2. TxAdmin

    New Websites

    Congrats on the update.
  3. TxAdmin

    Commercial heifer

    @angie do you happen to have any pictures of your steer?
  4. TxAdmin

    Commercial heifer

    @mark tenenbaum or @knabe Do you have any suggestions for Angie?
  5. TxAdmin

    What's new?

    We are glad you're here!
  6. TxAdmin

    Cleaning SteerPlanet - How to use of the report button

    Yep, trying to step up the game. Some of those items it mentioned we do have Privacy Policy, just needs to be picked up by their crawler. Hope to get it to A or A+ soon.
  7. TxAdmin

    Welcome back @Dale - glad to see you back on the site! Hope to see you around soon!

    Welcome back @Dale - glad to see you back on the site! Hope to see you around soon!
  8. TxAdmin

    Thank you. I will be reaching out soon. Just getting the systems in place, and working as...

    Thank you. I will be reaching out soon. Just getting the systems in place, and working as expected before turning on the spotlight and throwing up the open for business sign just yet.
  9. TxAdmin

    Thanks for checking us out again! Hope to see you around!

    Thanks for checking us out again! Hope to see you around!
  10. TxAdmin

    Cleaning SteerPlanet - How to use of the report button

    With years of spam on Steer Planet, we are cleaning up, however if you see any missed spam, please look for the report button. It will notify the myself and any other staff member. As the community picks up you can also use it if a user has posted content that breaks the community guidelines.
  11. TxAdmin

    Snow pig

    That's awesome. Looks like y'all had a good time.
  12. TxAdmin

    How post an image on Steer Planet

    Images/photos are now so easy to use. 1. In your post look down at the lower left for the Attach Files button. This will take you to your storage area on phone, tablet or laptop. Chose one and do whatever your equipment uses to cause the upload. You will see it fill up to 100%. At this...
  13. TxAdmin

    Welcome to the updated Steer Planet

    Hello there! I wanted to reach out to the community, as the previous owner of the site decided to pursue other projects. He wanted the community to be put in capable hands, so here we are. I know this software is different than the previous, and happy to help get your used to this software's...