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    New to the Show Calf Business

    Even though there are several DVMs that are successful selling show cattle, I would skip that for now.  If you want to get a good side hustle going.  Start a mobile AI service and heat sync program. Or start putting in some embryos on the farm for people.  It looks like you will get your DVM in...
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    Where to buy show steers this fall?

    He sells private treaty.  Give him a call in July or August and you can set up a time to look at them.  The traders will put a deposit on a calf early but may not pick them up.  Cattle change a lot from summer to weaning.  I would give him a call now and tell him you are looking for a steer this...
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    Where to buy show steers this fall?

    Tyrone Hullinger, Harris MO.  Not sure what he has now but many years ago the road to his place was always hot with "steer trader" traffic.
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    Electronic Heat Detection Systems

    Call Al Bruhn in Iowa.  I don't know what their AI Synchronization program is but they sell 600-800 bred cows and heifers in their sale.  All AI bred.
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    Freeze Brand.  Easy to do and a big deterrent to the pro cattle thieves. Also, neighbors won't just put them in theirs if they get out with no ear tags.  We had a neighbor at a summer pasture that never fixed a fence and never put in an ear tag.  When they got in with ours he would come over and...
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    Clubby bulls for Plain old commercial cows

    Who Made Who always worked on our plainer cows.  He is really consistent and his daughters were in really high demand for steer mama's not to long ago.
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    Why doesn't this ever happen in the Show Cattle World......
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    Ringworm Around Heifers Eye

    Here is a good article that I found several years ago that may be helpful.  I have not used the treatment that he recommends but I have used Griseofulvin with great success.
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    Breeding Options - HELP!

    They just dropped the price on Innocent Man. He is a great heifer bull and they will show.
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    To early for Denver Display Bulls?

    I haven't seen anything from the big players about the display bulls they are bringing to Denver.  Is it to early to announce or did I just miss them somewhere.
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    New Show barn for kids ideas and pictures please

    Take a look at Jon Gevelinger's videos on YouTube.  He has some really good ones on all aspects preping and handling show cattle. He lives in TX so it is hot there too.
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    Spent grain container??

    I saw these stacked up at a friends house with seed corn in them.  Not sure if they would work for your situation.
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    W/C Loaded Up 1119Y Sons?

    Mark Mueller (Diamond M Cattle in KS) has a full sib named DMCC Capone that he is really high on.  The calves I saw seem a little softer and easier doing than the Loaded Up calves. I think he still owns the Black Blaze III cow.
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    breaking donkey?

    How do you train a donkey to be a Breaking Donkey? I see lots of threads on breaking donkeys and saying "be sure that they are experienced".  We have a local auction that hobby farmers sell donkeys at all the time but they have never been hooked to cattle.
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    Opinions on Simmental Bull

    Heck, why not.  Get his feet trimmed and continue to show him.  You will find out pretty quick if you made the right choice and will still have some fun in the mean time. (looks like time for fresh bedding in the trailer)
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    Reserve Supreme Heifer at the American Royal?

    Who had the Reserve Supreme Heifer at the American Royal?  I must be missing it, but I can't find it listed anywhere.  I see that Kelton Arthur had Supreme with the Char. but don't see Reserve.
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    looking for Ralgro

    When I sold Implus implants it always amazed me how people were only interested in the "gun".  Every question that I got was about the gun. Never about the science behind the implants or their effectiveness. I get it that if you are implanting 200 head a day it is important for the gun to be...
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    No Worries & Safe and Sound

    Cowan's in WI have the most Safe and Sound cattle I have seen sell.  They look really good.
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    Does anyone have the results from the Silver Towne Farms Dispersal they can post

    Is this the bull you are talking about?