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    Tasco for hair?

    It lowers the blood pressure of the animal which takes off the a lot of "warm weather stress." Allowing your calf to have more open skin pores which leads to hair growth.
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    How often should you Trim Feet on Show Cattle

    In my opinion trimming your calves feet is just like cutting your fingernails, when your fingernails get to cut them right? Same with cattle however it is critical to the soundness of the animal especially between about 900 lbs. to the time they show or finish out, to have the feet...
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    Tasco for hair?

    Purina Grand Fortifier has tasco as well i believe. Also there are other hair growth products now available as I saw in this months Livestock Plus. I can't recall what they were but I understand that they are all natural products.
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    Show Steer Feed-What's everyone using?

    Showmaster topped with a little brewer's yeast or sometimes mixed with another fat supplement seems to work the best for us.
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    dirty hairy 2 ????

    I have seen a few DH2 calves and from what i'm seeing it look like he has a future in the industry. 105 lbs. though? That is unreal!
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    thoughts on q dog and star power and womanizer

    Q-dog calves look nice when they are young. In my eyes they finish out a rib short and just not with the framework that I first anticipated.
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    Opinions on steer!

    He looks great are you having a hard time maintaining weight? For his frame he looks about 100 pounds give or take to being in his prime for show day. Curious to hear how he does and see him after he is finished.
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    How to breed Legend X Carneyman/ Alias Heifer

    Have you considered Dirty Harry or Dirty Harry 2? You could add some serious power, hair and structure out of a bull that will not be to hard on your first calver!
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    Our New AI Sire (Brother to Whiplash) ***UPDATE named "REAL DEAL"

    Nice bull hope to see his calves in the near future... also  it will be interesting to see if he can out produce whiplash!
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    prospect for sale

    Can he be registered semmi?
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    What is the greatest bull ever?

    Keep in mind that Heat Seeker is the grandaddy to all these clubby bulls you see promoted today. My vote is with him.