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  1. gocalves

    Great Musicians Gotta Love Bluegrass This is brings a tear. This also
  2. gocalves

    Good Movies

    I did want to see that. I think I'll wait for dvd though. Borat is definitely not a kids movie either.
  3. gocalves

    Good Movies

    I saw some good ones lately. Borat was pretty funny---pretty raunchy though. I want to see Ghost Rider. Have you seen any good ones? Want to see any? (pop) (pop) (pop) (pop) (pop) (pop) (pop) (pop) (pop) (pop) (pop) (pop) (pop) (pop) (pop) (pop) (pop) (pop)
  4. gocalves


    I think this may be my favorite show steer website.  (clapping) I really like this board too.
  5. gocalves


    Thank you for your help. I really like your site.
  6. gocalves

    Show ring ethics

    Nice Take, Telos. I hope it stops before we let it get started.  (cow)
  7. gocalves


    About how much corn oil? I'm sorry if I sound stupid.
  8. gocalves

    The Best Heat Wave son

    I would like see him in person some time. I've been wondering also.  ???
  9. gocalves


    Thanks for the imput lacey! I don't want a huge weight gain all at once. They do eat showbloom well. I'll look into shag!
  10. gocalves

    Steerplanet Email Address

    this is  nice. I'll take one.
  11. gocalves

    Getting white clean

    I know the feeling. Personally, I like just soap and water.  ;D
  12. gocalves


    Anyone know of the best stuff to use? I bought some stuff called showbloom last year. It was ok, but what do you suggest? (cow) (cow) (cow) (cow) (cow) (cow) (cow) (cow) (cow) (cow)
  13. gocalves

    Nashville Star?

    I've never seen Nashville Star, but i've heard it's more entertaining that you might think. I watch sports mainly. Can't wait for the superbowl.  :o
  14. gocalves

    Jackpot Shows

    OK, thanks. I don't think I've ever been to show that's done that before. Sounds cool.
  15. gocalves

    Anyone live in CO?

    cowz, last time we went, was too hot, snow was melting--spring break. I remember one day it being so icy it hurt. I snow board, and if you've ever been snow boarding, you know you fall quite a bit the time. Now, it has to be great. Big and powdery. 
  16. gocalves

    Maintaining Weight Suggestions

    A little experimenting with rations wouldn't hurt your steer to find out what puts him over and under. What's he weight now?
  17. gocalves

    New AI Sires for 2007

    I'm trying ali this year. Anyone tried this?