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  1. H

    Simmi bull Rendition

    The catalog also states that ABS is picking up the GWS/SCF Rendition bull.
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    Simmi bull Rendition

    Updated Pic from of GWS/SCF Rendition from an Online catalog. Pics look good.
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    What breed of dogs do you own?

    Eddie is our latest addition. 8 wk old Corgi Tri Male. We are having a blast with him and we have only had him for three days. We also have a Border Collie and two beagles.
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    Simmental bulls

    We really like the In Dew Times calves, they calve easy and grow well. We will prob use In Dew Time on all of our Non Dream On heifers again this coming breeding season. The Trademark bull is producing some really nice calves as well.
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    Age your kids started showing

    Will pictured here in Pee wee showmanship had just turned 7. Heifer only got away from him twice I believe. He first showed when he was 5 with a little help of course. His two older brothers were about the same age.
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    Heifer shopping? - OH, IN, IL, IA - Who can help?

    Illini Elite sale is on Sunday the 21st at Rinker Simmental just south of Shelbyville. Curt has several really nice simm and percentage simm calves. Fox Creek Simmental is selling choice of a couple of half bloods that are really good as well. Would be worth your time. Great to work with in both...
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    Steel Force & Star Power heifer pics

    Lee Simmental is selling a purebred Steel Force calf in the GCF Sale that looks good. Lot 32 I believe. This is the first pictured Steel Force calf that I have seen.
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    What is a black hereford?

    So where do they become purebred at 3/4 or 7/8 etc..., ? If an association allows other cattle to be registered wouldn't this allow the parentage of percentage cattle that are registered to be recorded correctly ? This doesn't make these non breed cattle members of the breed, just gives a means...
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    Pictures-Just for fun

    We will be in one of the open poll barns 36B or D, never can seem to remember which one. Do you know, is Chris B. the superintendent again this year ? We were thinking about taking dividers over tomorrow am to setup.
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    Pictures-Just for fun

    We are in western IL Pike County, and it has been wet and very humid. Hopefully the break continues and the hay we are mowing dries out for us ? Just now getting to second cutting. We will be at state fair... Junior and Open  Simm, %Simm.  Good luck with your shorthorn heifer, are you showing...
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    Pictures-Just for fun

    Attached pic was taken yesterday am here in the swamp in Illinois. The three heifer calves apparenlty like the manure pile....  They are late may and early june calves.
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    I would not use Macho on a heifer, bw can be high. If you want to stay away from Dream On.... We used the following two bulls on most of our heifers this year. Good luck. Triple C Ponderosa Rey - Good calving ease. We like his calves. GWS Ebonys Trademark - Good calving ease bull for heifers...
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    Iowa Weather AGAIN

    I can't even imagine what some are going through in IA. We are all praying for those affected. The picture below was on Yahoo this morning. Text with Picture Charlie Lough herded his cattle onto the porch of his farm house, before he fled to safety from the rising water of the Cedar River...
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    Heifer Escape Artist

    Looking for some suggestions on how to keep a heifer on halter ? She will rub it off the back of her ears before you get out of the barn. We learned quickly that she always needs a necktie.
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    Question For P-F, Amazon Bull

    P-F, What is the Frame Score on your new Amazon Bull ? Thanks
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    What is there left to breed to for Simmys?????

    Several of the Silver Towne Bulls look good and would be outcrosses. STF Affirmed STF Montana Black STF Knockout - New on Cattle Visions, out of STF Montana Black and LJ25 cow at STF. STF Mr Momemtum Others Mo Brothers - SVF/NJC Mo Town or SVF/NJC Mo Better P-F's SVF/NJC Amazon R&R...
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    New Simmi Bull

    We have four DJ Salution calves, three simm/Angus and one purebred simm that were born in March. They do come really easy, our bw's were from 70 to 85 lbs with the 85 lb calf being out of a larger simm cow. The heifers are pretty feminine and appear to be coming along pretty good. They need some...
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    What bulls to make show steers and useable females on Angus cows?

    We really like our Dream On/Angus calves. The purebred calves that I have seen out of the Dream On Son - In Dew Time look really good. He has a little less frame and I think he will give a little more flank. Good structure as well, and his frame score is a little less than Dream On. I  have not...
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    New Lautner Bulls

    OK, So if science would allow it and a THF Heatwave clone was created would anyone use him ?