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  1. K

    ag survey

    I saw it.....I took a picture of it ;D
  2. K

    Dirty Picture of a different kind

    I saw it when i got my Lautner Catoluge a while back, one of the owners has it up on their website.I think I saw it on the people'swebsite who own Sooner??? whats their website??
  3. K

    Dirty Picture of a different kind

    is there one of him mature???   I personaly love photoshop, its fun to use.Ypu tell it was photoshopped because of the way the cornstalks are set out on the right side of the picture
  4. K

    Semen Tanks

    Sept. Who made who x Hoo Doo
  5. K

    Dirty Picture of a different kind

    Heres a picture WMW not tied to a fence ;D
  6. K

    Semen Tanks

    How much does it cost to get you Semen tanks filled???
  7. K

    From Dover's FDA/Clones

    WOW this is like dejavu ;D, we were talking about this exact same thing yesterday at lunch, and I said the exact same thing as Showcattlegal :'( Seriously no one raises a clone to butcher, they clone  cattle for breeding purposes. :'( I also will eat cloned meat, I don't care it will still taste...
  8. K

    Dirty Picture

    can we get a rear shot?
  9. K

    I messed up

    Split Topic ??? must be a moderator thing (:))
  10. K

    Dirty Picture

    Who is she out of??? She looks OK
  11. K

    I messed up

    its in with the reply with qutoe, modify, remove,      Look on the post you allready posted and then it will b ein the top right hand corner of that message
  12. K

    couple of fall borns

    Have any other pictures of the red steer? you can take the ones you dont want by going to modify and then delete the url of the photo you dont want, if they makes sense?? if not just say so and i will explain better
  13. K

    new formats- do they work?- plus "old" thread

    Go look at clubcalves old message board, its now a board about semen tanks and AI ing :'(
  14. K


    ok Thanks a lot for all the sugestions, keep them coming. I like Gus, they have Very high quality semen available at $30 unit. ;D It must be potent ::)  I also think Hard core, Dirty Hairy, Tyson, wells fargo, and who for maines, and I like Gus, Tonic, Okie dokie, Spike, and Kool :'( :'(
  15. K

    where to find

    ;D I am pretty sure that was cowz
  16. K

    My heifer

    She still looks good (clapping)
  17. K


    her legs look weird in this picture because i had just spent an hour scrubbing them to get all the mud off them :'( She had been in the pasture for quite while, I can get more pictures of her, sometime probally this weekend. I was thinking either maine or shortier on her
  18. K

    Burke Bulls

    i also like the first one, and he has the lowest BW
  19. K

    Link to website