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  1. AAOK

    E- Scrabble

  2. AAOK

    Dose creep feeding pay

    Asklund Acres (AAOK) Feeding Program HomeAsklund Acres (AAOK) Feeding Program One of the most requested items on Steer Planet is AAOK’s Feeding Program.  Here it is direct from Dan Asklund: “I have copied and pasted our Feed Program and Ration below.  It will save you money verses a branded...
  3. AAOK

    "Cowboy" has been in a bad wreck

    Sorry to hear about our "Cowboy". Wishing a speedy recovery!
  4. AAOK

    E- Scrabble

  5. AAOK

    E- Scrabble

  6. AAOK

    E- Scrabble

  7. AAOK

    maine bulls on angus cows

    Couldn't find any Magic pics, but can show you several old calves with major Magic influence.  All of these except the two Simi calves. ashlandhome -
  8. AAOK

    E- Scrabble

  9. AAOK

    maine bulls on angus cows

    Very familiar with the bull.  Back about the early 90s, I still had some Black Gold semen, the original!
  10. AAOK

    maine bulls on angus cows

    FR Magic 179X. Hard to find, but still some straws out there.  You will never find a better bull to produce great 1/2 blood females.
  11. AAOK

    Favorite Brand of Cattle Feed

    Thanks Chuck Wagon.  Several years ago I would have Many Posts a day about our feed program. Don't visit the Planet too often anymore.
  12. AAOK

    Favorite Brand of Cattle Feed

    What!  No Dan's Mix?  I'm going to get on SP more often.
  13. AAOK

    E- Scrabble

  14. AAOK

    Dr. Who heifer

    Best looking "Calf" I've seen on SP in several years. Glad to see a breeder use a proven (older) sire. This calf will Show, and one day be an exceptional Cow. Good luck with her.
  15. AAOK

    E- Scrabble

  16. AAOK

    E- Scrabble

  17. AAOK

    E- Scrabble

  18. AAOK

    E- Scrabble

  19. AAOK

    E- Scrabble
