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  1. KSanburg

    True " Ground Sow"

    Does this one qualify as a ground sow?
  2. KSanburg

    Bulls siring larger frames

    Your cow's have adapted to your environment and operation which is basically what my point was in my original response. This isn't just evident only in livestock but in deer and elk, the farther north you go the larger body mass those animals are because they have to have that size to survive...
  3. KSanburg

    Anybody know anything RE Hereford Bull DB Grandslam?

    He was fairly thick for back then, Blaine never said anything about calving issues, I would doubt you have any problems.  I think Blaine sold one to someone in Indiana that was reserve at the state fair.
  4. KSanburg

    Bulls siring larger frames

    My cattle get Alfalfa and grass hay in the winter when there is no forage available is what normal inputs mean. I think it must be impossible for you to understand that there are cattle that perform well and in this case out perform what you are use to. Unlike you I'm not going to judge your...
  5. KSanburg

    Anybody know anything RE Hereford Bull DB Grandslam?

    Mark, Blaine Franklin in Meeker, CO used him and had pretty good success, I'm sure he would visit with you.
  6. KSanburg

    Best Calving Ease Bulls that still produce competive show cattle.

    CRS, what do you have Sublime priced at?  I have some crossed up heifers that I might like to try him on.
  7. KSanburg

    Bulls siring larger frames

    Nothing revealing other than your an ass which I have known for a long time. My cattle don't get supplements so shut up about things you know nothing about !
  8. KSanburg

    Bulls siring larger frames

    All of these cows are frame 6 and 6+, weigh from 1450 to 1650, all wean calves near 50% or more their body weight and require no extra inputs above what is considered normal for my area and environment. This is a small cross section of my cow herd, do I have smaller cows? Yes I do, I also have...
  9. KSanburg

    Bulls siring larger frames

    Interesting I was just reading about cattle size in history from the University of Michigan, and their timeline of cattle is pretty cool. Obviously the British breed cattle from the early 1700's &1800's were as much ox as beef cattle, but it wasn't uncommon for Angus, Hereford or Shorthorn bulls...
  10. KSanburg

    PB hereford × Clubby bulls

    Biggest calf we have had was 84 pounds out of a cow the throws big calves, and 84 was maybe the smallest calf she has ever had. I do think you would like that mating with your heifer, she looks pretty soggy.
  11. KSanburg

    Hereford cow for you clubby sire experts

    We have had good luck with American Pharo, Deadliest Catch was okay but didn't really add enough power. Fu Man Chu made some good ones but they were mostly red brockle face. MAB did well to.
  12. KSanburg

    PB hereford × Clubby bulls

    I used him on heifers and didn't have any issues.
  13. KSanburg

    PB hereford × Clubby bulls

    A few random pictures, Eclipse and 3 of his calves.