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  1. G

    guess my age....

    Okay how about this?  Birthdate the same as:  John F. Kennedy Jr., Pope John XXIII, Joe DiMaggio, Augusto Pinochet, Gloria Steinem and Christina Applegate.  Birthdate and YEAR the same as Chico Walker and Robert Ehrlich.   :o
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    I hope it is the best birthday ever, with many, many more to come!  (clapping)
  3. G

    Friday Morning Wisdom

    And in keeping with the pig theme:  "But at the end of the day, even if you put a calico dress on it and call it Florence, a pig is still a pig." One of my favorite quotes: "Work as if you were to live 100 years, pray as if you were to die tomorrow."  Benjamin Franklin
  4. G

    Agh! venting...

    Red - I use Vicks Vaporub or the generic equivalent.  I use bleach the first treatment, and then I put the Vick's on right after.  Then just Vicks every day after that.  Seems like it soothes the dry itchy skins and it stays where you put it, AND kills the ringworm.  I do wear gloves when I put...
  5. G

    Special prayer/thought request

    I am so sorry LinZ.  I will be hoping and praying with you that they turn up, sometimes (often) these little critters can find a way out of a pasture that a horse won't bother with.  I hope that was the case here.  BUT, take Joe Boy's advice.  Call any and everyone that could possibly be a help...
  6. G

    My Future :o

    You have gotten lots of good advice here.  My post is mainly just to re-interate what several have already said, in a little different way.  Afhm said to go "intern" with your great Uncle for a year or so.  Absolutely.  Let him help you learn how to work a HERD of cattle.  Working a HERD is lots...
  7. G

    Word Association Game

  8. G

    My bull has strayed

    Joe Boy - Any news on your bull?  Is your neighbor finished planting his wheat?  ???
  9. G


    Now ya tell me.  Wish you had brought this up two months ago.  Still no rain to speak of here. A lot of the sheep ranchers around here use the ultralite planes (kind of like a lawnmower with wings) to get above them and sneak up on them,  Good luck to you.
  10. G

    Question for XXCC and Telos

    As the proud  :-\ owner of many (ya'll would faint if I said how many) PHAC cows and in the past bulls, I can see the deep body, heavy muscle, small frame phenotype in quite a few of the carriers, but I also have some that are more of the gunbarrel, larger frame type.  But most are the 1st...
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    Question for XXCC and Telos

    What is the phenotype of PHA carriers?
  12. G

    shorthorn pregnancies and Fleetwood Mac - oh ELBEE!!

    If  ;) your ipod does great things for your preg checking, just think what it will do for your AI conception rate next year.  (clapping)  Of course like Jack says the earphones have to be in the COW'S ears!  Maybe the tunes you play will even effect the coloring of the calves?  What do you...
  13. G

    My bull has strayed

    It causes the cows to abort.  Here is a site with info on Trich:
  14. G

    Word Association Game

    TUMBLING    as in Tumbling Tumbleweeds  the song  (Sons of the Pioneers)
  15. G

    My bull has strayed

    Joe Boy - I know lots about Trich because a neighbor of mine several years ago leased a Longhorn bull to run on his replacement heifers.  The Longhorn bull jumped into a large pasture that I was running recip cows in with cleanup bulls in May or June, I forget now.  The Longhorn infected...
  16. G

    My bull has strayed

    Joe Boy - Sorry about your bull, I hope that he turns up.  We lost 15 calves to "cattle rustlers" this spring.  It did not make me very happy to say the least.  If I remember right, you are in Texas?  If your bull turns up be sure to trich test him before you use him on your cows.  And be...
  17. G

    Congrats to Showcattlegal!

    Hey Showcattlegal - Just noticed your caption under your pic.  Congratulations on your placing at the NMSF!  Great job - very nice heifer(s) and a very nice bull calf that you took to the fair.  Hope you had a great time!