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  1. G

    Worst Fair Memories

    One year I broke my arm in the group class.  10 or 15 minutes later my friend showed him for me in his class, and he lad down on her  ::)  The worst part of that day, was spending hours and hours in the ER, waiting for the doctor to pick up the phone, while my friends were going on rides...
  2. G

    Name the steer...

    "Oooops" For a black dye job gone wrong, or maybe someone with a white calf not rinsing out their whitening shampoo.
  3. G

    Fly prevention ideas

    Those bags that stink and trap the flies do work I think.  But here's a trick if you have a very fly heavy area.  The round trap part of those bags will fit into the round hole in a 5 gallon pail lid, so you can potentially catch a lot more flies than with a bag.  Yes gallons of flies is a...
  4. G

    Cutting Hay.....

    Cowz it's worse...we don't even have illegal workers in Saskatchewan (where JIT is).  Huge amounts of young people leave the province for Alberta (though apparently some bad ones go to Ontario ;P)).  So there are jobs available, and of course if someone is willing to do some work they will...
  5. G

    Add the caption.......Part cinco

    "Welcome to so you think you can dance.  Our first couple this week will be performing a jazz routine....."
  6. G

    Favorite Horse Breeds

    Elbee, when you aren't looking I'm coming to nab the little palomino paint!!  :D
  7. G

    Is using hair dye cheating?

    Oh I completely agree  :D  I always used paints that don't come off everywhere.  I guess I didn't have the thought/knowledge/skills to dye.  I was just wondering if anyone thought that that dye and touch up are different things.  They put in a new rule in my region that no colored (or was it...
  8. G

    Is using hair dye cheating?

    Speaking of touch up....would anybody out there consider black (or coloured) paints, foams, etc ok, but dyeing not?  Or vice versa? Personally I think dying over the same colour (ie black on black) is fine as I'd consider that enhancing, just like clipping and all our other grooming.  Dyeing...
  9. G

    How did you get here?

    Me too Farmboy.  I remember my Dad used to sit me in the truck or up high on some bales while he did chores, so I would be safe :D  (And now that I think of it, it was probably best for him that I was too scared to run around underfoot.  Then I started getting used to him, and got my first show...
  10. G

    Steer Planet Photo Contest - Post "SHOWRING" photos here!

    Chamebero I had a steer whose face was a dead ringer for the heifer in that picture.  Just a random tidbit :)
  11. G

    hay feeders

    My Dad bought a shredder a couple of years ago and just loves it.  It takes the twine off as he shreds.  And like Road Warrior said, the cows like it, it wastes less even though they eat off the ground, you can bed with it, go anywhere with it.  Heck it can even be used to move cows a little...
  12. G

    Show Barn Posters

    Perhaps you could make your own with someone who knows a little photoshop or whatever other program.  Then get them printed off and laminated (that's a good thing where manure is around  ;)).  It would be really neat if you had some nice pictures of your own youth doing stuff to make the posters...
  13. G

    Favorite Horse Breeds

    Sure everybody had one, but weren't they mostly evil little things  ;D
  14. G

    How Fat is too Fat

    Saved me some typing, because I agree. Very rarely did I see the higher placing heifers come back to show as a 2 year old in my region.  I know sometimes people just don't want the pain in the butt, but I'm pretty certain that for some, if the calf had been worth bringing out in public, it...
  15. G

    Favorite Horse Breeds

    Quarter Horsies and Paints.  I like big butts ;D and I also like their temperaments.    I guess I like Appies too, just haven't done much with them. Mmmmm butts.
  16. G

    Word Association Game

    The queen's wave
  17. G

    All time favorites

    And here I'm thinking I just wish I would have gotten a cow as a roommate.    (lol)  Sorry...couldn't resist.
  18. G


    Those are the ones I was talking about.  Oh...and I see the link is from USask....the guy who did that research came and did a talk on it last year.