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  1. G


    That picture is grainy or he was much younger there.  i had to go take a close look after you said that.
  2. G


    I think you must be thinking of the sharp metal contraptions I've seen in museums.  The modern version is just a little plastic tag in the nose, partly makes it awkward to drink, and does have plastic "spikes" which should annoy the cow enough for her to wean the calf, wtihout being tortured.
  3. G


    DL, at U of S they found that the weaner things in the nose almost completely got rid the vocalizing, and turned out to be very low stress.  But then I remember seeing somewhere where another group tried it and didn't have as good of results (maybe it was MSU....).  I didn't compare too closely...
  4. G


    Geez those bulls are big....which leads me to another "name the..." question.  Who the heck is that guy on the far right?  All the other guys can barely see over the bulls, and that guy looks normal proportions.  He must be pushing 7 feet  :o JIT did the twisted gut happen on the way to the show? 
  5. G

    Pictures from my farm

    And some scenery A church by the golf course An abandoned fallen down barn at my neighbours The quintessential prairie elevator that is actually hard to find these days.  Most were just knocked down.  Ones like these are closed Hollow in my pasture Grazing Here's why our lisence...
  6. G

    Pictures from my farm

    I'm adding some more, though just of other stuff other than the cows now. A couple of the horse Rob had never ridden before.  He did pretty well, and Eclipse was a pretty good boy for him
  7. G


    Just since we like pictures here, this is her right?  (I went to '05 and this is the only red, listed as reserve) She's dwarfing the people in the picture there...sorry to hear about her injury.  I know I was in the Maine barn...
  8. G

    Are Shows rigged or fixed?

    DL you should take up barrel racing or speed skating or something.  Just work against the clock :D
  9. G

    Last of spring babies

    Awww they are sooo cute.  Congrats on getting through another season in tact.
  10. G

    Are Shows rigged or fixed?

    I seriously doubt there are any shows out there that are "fixed" in a strict sense where money or services directly changes hands for a placing.  But it would also be naive to think that every show is judged as if the handlers were invisible and every calf had the same owner.  I've been in shows...
  11. G

    Kicked out - should it be public??

    I think putting it public in a statement from the association is the best way to go.  It helps for the real story to be out there rather than just rumours and exaggerations.  It helps the other cattle people decide who they are willing to forgive and who they aren't, rather than just having a...
  12. G

    In Memory of my Dad

    Wow Show Heifer, that was really a great poem.
  13. G

    Hartman Happenings

    "Oooh ooh sign me up" says the girl who breaks ankles walking up the front step.
  14. G

    Shorthorn Experts; If I breed a Smoke Cow to a Horn, What color(s) can I expect?

    Ok so you have a whole bunch of different genes at work here, which is going to make a lot of possibilities.  I'll try to explain by breaking things down into the separate genes.  Remember though, rather than the colour you see being inherited as one big chunk, it is like layers, where you start...
  15. G


    Those are some big stacks, but I don't think I want to talk about hay.  >:( Just put 16 wagons of bales into the loft of the barn here at school yesterday and today.  I tell you, square bales are a pain (at least, when it's this hot they are)....we always used round at home so I got out of it...
  16. G

    To what standards do we hold judges?

    I don't really know many of the judges I've had personally, so I don't think it's really come into it.  But personally, I would judge them on how they judge in the ring, and if it's a junior show, on how they treat the kids.  However, if they have done something bad enough to receive discipline...
  17. G

    Animal behavior

    Wow that was awesome (well all except for the ill feeling I get watching unsteady home videos....I really should have turned off full screen but I was so captivated). So many interesting points in there.  One of my early thoughts was "I thought lions didn't like water" so I was a little...
  18. G

    Stupid cow jokes

    Oh dear.    Since we are in a cheesy mood..... What do you call a cow with no legs?  Ground beef
  19. G

    Pictures from my farm

    We feed hay, or moreso in the last few years, a lot of greenfeed (we use oats and millet, swathed and baled up, head on, before ripe).  A couple of years ago Dad bought a big round bale shredder and just loves it.  For the first part of winter he'll just have them in a field close to home then...