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  1. G

    Shartzennegger Super Cows

    The purebred Belgian Blues are homozygous (have 2 copies) so the crosses are heterozygous (one normal copy, one double muscle).  The heterozygotes tend to be very variable in their expression...some you would only be able to tell if looking for it very closely, others show it quite a bit.  We...
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    Word Association Game

    oh they can dad (a fastball ump and catcher for a billion years) has had hundreds of bruises to prove it.  And my boyfriend has fresh one...but I don't suppose he would want me taking a picture to prove it ;D Ok game...shins SHEEP (was with sheep today...warned how they can take you...
  3. G

    What are the odds?

    Hmmm now that I think of it, we might have had one tarentaise cow for a time.  She would always put some pounds on her calf.  Can't say the we kept any heifers out of her (just sold them straight off the pasture while they were fat from the milk), so I can't comment on the cross with angus part.
  4. G

    Battling weight gain (Me, not my cattle)

    Show Heifer, nix the white bread and other white products.  I used to only eat white bread because I didn't really like brown bread (didn't hate it, just didn't really like it).  But a year or so ago I just switched it all to whole wheat....bread, wraps, pasta.  I only eat white bread in...
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    The Angus reminds me of our bull.....maybe they are related....if only someone would say who it is  (lol)
  6. G

    Packing up the Showbox

    I had to start wearing rubber gloves because I was reacting to an adhesive or something.  Found out, wow, my hands also aren't black anymore.  Perfect (now I just need to solve the black face... :P)
  7. G

    Shartzennegger Super Cows

    Belgian Blues.....double muscling from the myostatin mutation (basically, the gene that usually tells muscle development to stop, doesn't do it).  Much better suited to a more intensive type of management (like say, on a small European farm)...they need to be watched at calving.  Cool pics!
  8. G

    Best/funniest story!

    That's hilarious  (lol)  I can only imagine stepping out of the bathroom stall to a raging Chi steer    ;D
  9. G

    Word Association Game

    Poop  (sorry Red)
  10. G

    Best/funniest story!

    brahmergirl, you are not the only one.  When we first considered getting goats we wandered over to the goat show barn at Agribition to do some learning.  Being used to show cattle, when I saw the first LaMancha, I said to Dad "Wow they can actually show a goat with frozen ears and not get...
  11. G

    10 reasons Cow Fitters make better Lovers

    The other girls/boys in their life are four legged. They like a little fat cover They like big butts !! ;D Hairy legs aren't a turnoff  :-\ They are good at scratching the places you can't reach (Oh dear...I didn't word that right....but I mean the showstick)
  12. G

    Merchandising... The most bang for your buck

    Ah yes....DL I was one of the ones that advised quality pictures, but I didn't say anything about perfect fitting or show pictures.  For a person selling only show animals, that's appropriate, but as you say, people selling breeding animals, especially commercial ones, should probably have...
  13. G

    Need some breeding advice

    I think that should the case, where the color on the outside doesn't matter.  But, I don't really think it always works that way in the shows.    I know markets are regional (though looking at pictures from all over I can't say I've seen a single tan roan show calf), so it's hard to tell a...
  14. G

    National ID Program

    We just buy our tags at basically the same places that we always have, the stores are authorized or whatever.  They take one copy of the packages barcode and then enter your info with it, or something like that.  I'm not sure of the exact procedure, but basically, that bag of tags gets...
  15. G

    Merchandising... The most bang for your buck

    I don't think they charge for it, because I got one last week, and I'm pretty darn cheap  ;D  I think I maybe just registered at their site or something. I fully agree.  While we may not be the norm, there are people out there shy about phoning strangers, and email is really nice for making...
  16. G

    Need some breeding advice

    To char would give you tan/buckskin/peach roans.  If you can sell that, great, but I could see blues doing better.
  17. G

    National ID Program

    Yup they sort trim at the packers by fat percentage.  Taco Bell getting the 70/30 box ..... and I don't mean 70 meat.  I'll give them that a lot will melt out because they don't use patties, but no wonder it's so finely ground.  Not like I ate taco bell before, but now  :-\ Anyway, we've had...
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    AI bulls

    But there's massive, and then there is MASSIVE.  And his looks like the latter in that picture, but again, funny angle so it's hard to say.  Or maybe he is actually tight in the rib cage, because there is a his shoulder is really sticking "out" from it.  Like even when the shoulders are big and...
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    How was your week?

    Nice to see her out there and smiling.  The heifer looks great too.
  20. G

    Show Box

    Lucky duck!  The space on the back for the chute is a really good idea too.