I suspect if a judge is going to halter judge, he'll have his ducks in a row before hand, and probably isn't paying that much attention to what the announcer is saying. Usually after the first couple of calves enter the ring it is hard to keep track of which calf they are talking about without...
The govenor of OK has asked that we all pray for rain tomorrow. I was hoping we all could pray for everyone that is in desperate need of rain tomorrow, and everyday for that matter. No hay and no water is going to equal no cows. :'(
We always had good luck with using sidecutters and cutting them off as close to the skin as possible. No need to try to get them all, just go for a few of the big ones. They bleed a little, but it's got to feel better than crushing them with pliers. The rest usually go away shortly.
Some babies, especially the big ones it seems, do lay around and sleep alot. Could it be that his tummy is full and he's just content? Have you checked the cows udder to make sure the teats are open and he's getting milk? (which I'm sure he is, since he made it this far without supplemental...
Any other players out there? I confess, after only playing for a short time, I'm addicted and would love to find some new neighbors. If any of you play and would like to have a new neighbor, let me know.
Thanks to all of you who ordered a cd, hope you're pleased with them. If everyone has ordered one that wants one, I'm going to take them off e-bay. It costs me to leave them listed on there. Again... THANKS! <rock>
For those of you that are looking for the livestock show cd, I have listed it on e-bay. Now that I'm writing this, I realize it is only for ONE cd... I'll go back and either add more auctions, or see if I can fix it for multiple cd's. duh... Still computer illiterate. ::)
I still have some of those cd's and I'd be glad to sell them to you all. After visiting my e-mail, I see there are many of you wanting them. I will try to get all your e-mails answered tomorrow. It might be easier to put some on e-bay as "buy it now"' , would that work for most of you, or...
I can hook you up. I bought a couple of boxes of the cd's from Jared a couple of years ago, and I still have some left. E-mail me [email protected] and I can get one in the mail to you.
I believe he's a may, will double check in the morning to make sure. We're located in Perry, 60 miles north of OKC or 100 south of Wichita. Thanks for your interest.