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    Potential calving problem help

    Yes, it is easy to say "should've"  but take these words of wisdom from someone who has been there and done that: 1. Her attitude alone would be her trailer ticket on my farm. I do not tolerate bad behavior. Period.         - No heifer/cow/calf is worth getting injured over. I do not care how...
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    How many young farmers are out there?

    I see both sides of this. It is true that farmers are getting older. I see four reasons for this: 1. Farmers are independent and hard working. "Retiring" just isn't in their DNA 2. It is really expensive to get started in farming so young people are not jumping in. 3. When an older farmer...
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    Sexed semen

    Approximately 3 mls! Seriously though, it is the number of sperm in the straw. Like stumpy said, smaller straw, less sperm. Remember, it only takes one little swimmer!!!  ;)
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    Hope the calf continues to do well. After this point, you should be out of the woods. When the cow dies, so does the calf. You only have a few minutes to save the calf, as once the blood stops flowing through the cow, it also stops flowing to the calf therefore suffocating the calf. I have...
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    need more spring of rib on show heifer.

    A calf can be a purple ribbon calf from the beginning and without proper care, it will not win. A calf that is a blue ribbon calf can be made into a purple ribbon calf with proper care. A calf that is a red ribbon calf due to structure, will NEVER be a purple ribbon calf, unless of course, the...
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    Sulfer Toxicity - MERGED TOPICS

    Again, spell out your ax. What is your actual name? What company do you work for? What is the lawsuit about?  Be as clear and precise as possible, as it is calving season and my brain is a bit fuzzy. (I KNOW, how can I possibly calve 75 cows all by myself?)  I calve 75 head of cows. I can ID...
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    Sulfer Toxicity - MERGED TOPICS

    I don't care who you are... THAT IS FUNNY!!
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    Sulfer Toxicity - MERGED TOPICS

    Again, I will ask the above questions. Tell us who you have an ax to grind with, what your agenda is, and what your purpose is.
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    Water in California not for ag??

    Just heard a few news blurbs about how California is not allowing farmers to use water for irrigation or livestock. While I fully understand that water is at a premium and I certainly do not know all the details, but are car washes still operating? Lawn irrigation? Filling swimming pools...
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    special report: redundant posts gives forum readers epileptic seizures

    Gargan - Ok, that made me laugh out loud.  <party>
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    Sulfer Toxicity - MERGED TOPICS

    ok sir loin. I have come to the following conclusions: 1. You have an ax to grind. I am not sure what it is, but anyone who continually and admittedly continues to beat a dead horse obviously has it out for someone or something. Either come clean with your agenda or hush up. 2. You are either...
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    Sulfer Toxicity - MERGED TOPICS

    sir lion - I do not know how to do the fancy "in quote" thing so hope you follow this. Plan ahead if the test takes 4 days to get results. Use another lab, I test my feed for $38. Either test the feed and use balancer as was suggested OR do not feed DDG's. It really isn't that complicated. Can...
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    two headed calf?

    Then you would have to deal with the bulls&^%$.  Better stick with a bovine!!  (clapping)
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    Shorthorn Discussion

    This is actually one of the best threads and discussions that have been on SP.  I would venture to guess that if you are truly "old world shortie", the problem of the breed might be that too many shortie breeders did NOT read all the words and also do not care. librarian - You are very...
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    Shorthorn Discussion

    Which is EXACTLY the reason I have been a propionate of testing every single animal that is registered. In theory, EVERY animal SOLD would be tested but that is fairy land!  Pedigrees have known to be "wrong" and so going by pedigree alone is not sufficient. Judge, admitting a problem is the...
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    need more spring of rib on show heifer.

    Spring of rib can be accomplished by one thing: GENETICS. Fiber will only add guts, which is typically BEHIND the ribs. Too much fiber would be like you eating only lettuce; doubtful you would grow or add much muscle or fat.  When I showed, I only added "fiber" the last week or so to get that...
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    Calving Date vs. AI Due Date

    DNA the calf to remove all doubt. It is not expensive. When you see a cow with her tail out, and yet nothing happens, and no water bag or placenta comes out, my first thought is a breech calf. Usually the cow will NOT push since nothing enters the birth canal. The cow will lay down, stand up...
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    Another attack on American Agriculture by Chipotle

    I have seen their tv ads, and if you listen to their message, it is very very clear:  Livestock raised by most farmers are done so in an inhumane, antibiotic fed, unhealthy way.  But they buy only "safe, healthy and humanely raised" meat and therefore you should eat there and no place else...
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    Shorthorn Discussion

    It is time the shorthorn breeders look in the mirror and stop using the "black" excuse. Red angus have PROVED that quality cattle will be accepted with open arms REGARDLESS OF COLOR IF THE BREED PRODUCES COMMERCIALLY ACCEPTABLE CATTLE.  Lets review the shorthorn breed: HUGE birth weights...