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  1. JbarL

    Oklahoma City Bombing-New Video Link

    i believe a guy has time to write a book in argument there....and definetly a pultzer subject ( if someone could pull it off)....i just find the time necessary to carry out a continuation of a conspiricy theory by one of the nations most notoriours acts of violence to boil down the...
  2. JbarL

    Oklahoma City Bombing-New Video Link

    i would have to challange the fact that 2 inmates... in a federal prision/ on death row/ 1 hour a day for exercise...would have to time to casually sit down and pull together a book deal.... full of explicit/ factual and crediable information ...over a year and a half time period... edge of your...
  3. JbarL

    housing/financial crisis explained in 3 sentences.

    consuming goods and matching production...theres a novel idea  jbarl
  4. JbarL

    housing/financial crisis explained in 3 sentences.

    would it be safe to assume then that the crash of the 30's had the same type of politics involved, with some one to blame, or some political party or a group of bankers or market gurus of the times??>... or was it just really  " hard times" ??  alot of folks didnt lose it all then....some...
  5. JbarL

    housing/financial crisis explained in 3 sentences.

    abramoff/madoff/ ken lay and enron/ paulson and bernake/ bear stearns bp.....self policed capitalism at its finest...hows that  trickle down workin for ya now?..jbarl
  6. JbarL

    housing/financial crisis explained in 3 sentences.

    ...i was just recalling the atmosphere at the time of the bust.....folks felt comfortable doing a refinace ( or buying a home) at the time , and felt there retirement money was safe as well...yoiu didnt expect the bankers / realtors and money market firms to speak up and  put a stop to it did...
  7. JbarL

    housing/financial crisis explained in 3 sentences.

    first time home buyers were the bait fish.....the real catch was the folks who had paid 23 yrs of mortage, and went out and refinaced, in the good times...and now are looking at  20 yrs more of mortage instead of 7,.. plus there retirement is now gone...the ole one two    jbarl
  8. JbarL

    housing/financial crisis explained in 3 sentences.

    a record number of empty houses....and a record number of homeless people....and a generation who lost there retirement futures...= "fractional living"....jbarl
  9. JbarL

    housing/financial crisis explained in 3 sentences.

    so money really does grow on trees...... ;)  jbarl
  10. JbarL

    Illegal Immigration!

    and just was the last time we had that??...jbarl
  11. JbarL

    Illegal Immigration!

    time ( and history) will tell ;)  jbarl
  12. JbarL

    Illegal Immigration!

    just one vote....same as em' like i see em.....jbarl
  13. JbarL

    Illegal Immigration!

    if barney franke or any other politican is as accountable as you say , then they will probally be voted out.....if your wrong.. then they will win there next election....i suggest youi write an editorial to his local papere and spread the word to everyone on b franke, and maybe send a check to...
  14. JbarL

    Illegal Immigration!

    you are soon going to see that even the left ( voters ) are wanting a less than usual ( left oriented) soulution to our current illegal immigration problem.....youi know my stance on labor...eventually the capitalist will let an amercian "business"....the labor unions there job, they no...
  15. JbarL

    Illegal Immigration!

    as usual, completely off topic ( this is the illegal immigration post)....your obsession with b frank is obvious..... who best represents your  direction on illegal immigration...right/left/bagger/independent.?....hayward or mccain?  lindsay graham / sara palin or banor?....all are are from...
  16. JbarL

    Republicans Explain this Video

    look @ " history of amercian bailouts"....and you will see every bailout in our history/ the date/ the president under which it was implimented ( dates) /and the result....not suprisingly you will see some familiar names....the bush boys lead the way in total bailouts/ and  most failed bailouts...
  17. JbarL

    Illegal Immigration!

    hasnt it been ignored long enough? ... topic of the day needs an opinion of the day......wish you had one....... ....jbarl
  18. JbarL

    Illegal Immigration!

    is that a  hayward or a mccain solution ....?...oh thats right...yoiu dont have affiliations with standard politicals......only the obscure and unobtanable pipedreams....i new i should have added "or other" to the choices......jbarl
  19. JbarL

    Illegal Immigration!

    hows about the tea baggeres and the independents.?...record numbers of voters have dropped any affiliactiona and went independent and bagger......and we have watched in awe as the tea party has swept the county with its wisdom....quarentee for every 10 thousand.. the baggers can rally....the...