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  1. obie105

    Going to Arizona and back to Iowa

    We are going to be leaving Saturday to head south and coming back the following Saturday. If anyone has anything needing to go that way. Will pick and deliver along the way.
  2. obie105

    Going to Arizona and back to Iowa

    At the end of January we are going to Arizona and have room for 2 possibly 3 more calves then on the way home right now we will have an empty trailer. If you are needing something going that way let me know. Looking to leave around the 30th and be back Feb. 7th. Leaving from southern Iowa and...
  3. obie105

    AAOK feed ration question

    We use something very similar to this and just add to it depending on what we are feeding. We have always gotten along very well with it much better than many of the begged feeds out there and it is less expensive 
  4. obie105

    Trailer opinion needed

    We have a stock combo as well. We do horses too but our show box stays in the trailer in the tack area and I can keep a lot of essentials in the nose that way as well. We wish we would have a center gate that moves to make different size compartments instead of a fixed one. A ramp isn't a...
  5. obie105

    mini herf

    Is that the one that you posted before? He looks good.
  6. obie105

    Beginner Question! :)

    Sullivans sell refurbished or used clippers and blowers at a lesser price. I am still using my refurbished blower I got 15 years ago and the clippers I got over 10 years ago. They go thru them pretty well.
  7. obie105

    Maine anjou guy looking at Denver bulls

    Simplify was bred and raised by Kendall Bremer. He and his parents are long time Maine breeders. He did very well at Kansas City also. So I am guessing he looks the part.
  8. obie105

    advice needed on what's best for conditioning...

    Pictures would help but I would not push since its a heifer and you don't want her to put on fat you want her to grow and develop. You will be surprised on how much condition one will put on with correct feeding especially if she hasn't had much. I really like AAOKs ration that is on here. We...
  9. obie105

    Mini Herefords

    We just bought our first mini steer for my 3 year old. Hes soon to be 4. Our calf is puppy dog tame and currently weighs maybe 200 lbs. We love going out and messing with him. We have big cattle to but I feel much better having my son feed this calf on his own than our others. The popularity...
  10. obie105

    Reoccuring Hoof Rot

    Also look at what the footing is in the pens. We were using fly ash which is a by product from our local coal plant. It burned off pieces of coal in a sandy material. It is also cheap and packs fairly hard. Growing up we only had horses and never an issue then when we started getting more cows...
  11. obie105

    Best Marketing Avenues

    I have had good luck with craigslist but be ready for people to try to scam you and tire kickers. I have also used several groups on Facebook. Get decent pictures of them that always helps.
  12. obie105

    Maine Heifer

    I would say Kendall Bremer or Jason Minneart. Kendall is in Blakesburg, IA and Jason is in Atkinson, IL 
  13. obie105

    Cooler or no cooler?

    If you are going to build one dont put the wash rack inside the cooler. I had a very good friend lose 2 heifers one summer because the dampness of the washrack bred somekind of crazy pneuomia like bug that they had a very hard time getting under control. The states vet office was involved and...
  14. obie105

    Cooler or no cooler?

    Personally I would only do a cooler on market animals not breeding stock. I can't say I dont like coolers because they have there place but Im not a fan. We insulated our barn, hung several fans and a couple of misters and have done very well with it. When we were really hauling the cattle go...
  15. obie105

    Leasing a heifer

    Are you wanting to do this on a national level or junior shows? We have had several juniors show for us thru the years. We have done the feed either way and we have also kept a few and have had the kids keep a few also just depends on the situation. We have never had much of an issue working it out.
  16. obie105

    Showing Cow/calf

    Showing pairs is typically from my experience a pain. I would rather wean and feed a calf than feed a cow like the other poster said basically a bag of feed a day.
  17. obie105

    How to firm up manure

    Loose stools is usually too much protein. They need more fiber.
  18. obie105

    HomeMade Feed Recipe

    We use our own version of the aaok reciepe on here. I tried feeding bagged feeds but found it more expensive and I have never had good results. We had a pretty good feed rep that we worked with closely to tweak ours a bit.
  19. obie105

    bloat and rumensin crc bolus

    Try any of the Vita Ferm products. Amaferm is what really helped a heifer a mine back way before Sure Champ was even popular.
  20. obie105

    Hereford bull "custom made"

    Had a ton of problems getting semen out of him last year. He probably wont have many calves on the ground til fall. I ordered some in May and I didnt receive it until late summer. I used it to flush a cow and got 11 eggs but not a one was an actual embryo. I talked to 2 other guys that said most...