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  1. obie105

    tranning a show steer to stand

    Is he tied up during the day at all? I have noticed that when they are tied with their head up for extended periods of time that it does help with working with them. Lead him around and just keep working with him. Also if you can walk him into a set up instead of jacking with the show stick and...
  2. obie105

    Show or not to Show?

    This is some really good advice! We have always used a version of AAOKs feed. I personally don't like most of the bagged feed that you can buy. On heifers more fill is better than feed especially when they get older.
  3. obie105

    Show Heifer Help

    Get her use to the noise. Radio in the barn, kids playing, just comotion even at home. She will settle down. It just takes time.
  4. obie105

    Wild Cattle

    I have a friend who travels the midwest with his horse and dogs gathering up wild cattle and getting them loaded for people. He worked for several ranches in Texas also. If you need his number let me know.
  5. obie105

    mini hereford

    Brent And Shelly White in southern Iowa have some really good ones. They have been very successful and always have cattle for sale. I can get you contact info if you would like. Junior nationals are next week for the minis.
  6. obie105

    Show or not to Show?

    Were taking a big fall to state fair and this spring for 45 days this late spring we actually kicked her out on grass. She shucked some hair and really freshened up quite a bit. We have a girl taking her to county fair but more importantly we bought her to be a cow. Just feed one right and you...
  7. obie105

    Steer show it time to change?

    I think it should have papers or not. Then follow up with DNA testing. Iowa does that now. I don't understand the classification system but I also don't understand Chi's being 8% or whatever to show. Thats a mutt. Not a purebred.
  8. obie105

    How to save money when building a barn

    If you have amish near by talk to them on the lumber. We have an amish saw mill close by that is much cheaper than ever buying from a supplier. Also talk to any friends in construction you may be able to get steel siding from them if they are changing a building. Currently we have a pole barn...
  9. obie105

    When is it considered overkill?

    I'm in Iowa. I guess every state has different rules.
  10. obie105

    When is it considered overkill?

    In our county and state as far as I know you can take the same steer to county and state fair. If people want to spend $15K so be it. I grew up with one of the largest cattle guys in the country in my county. Back then he showed plus his older sister. Between the two of them it wasn't easy. They...
  11. obie105

    Transportation for a couple of calves

    I know of someone heading from Iowa to Oklahoma sometime later this week if that helps at all.
  12. obie105

    Looking for a fall born Shorthorn show heifer

    Fushion Cattle in Illinois might have something.
  13. obie105

    Matt Lautner question

    The owner of the company I work for has a saying ... "Customers are like hearts, they go where they are loved" it is very true people go where they have had the best experience regardless
  14. obie105

    What to breed to ?

    Im pretty sure he wants a purebred not a look alike.
  15. obie105

    What to breed to ?

    I really like the Catapult calves that I have seen this winter. I also think any of the NJW bulls would work.
  16. obie105

    Mini Herefords

    Brent White in Blakesburg, Iowa has some darn good ones and has had quite a bit of success with them. Iowa has there own breed division for them at all the junior shows. There is also shows at state fair and I know at Denver, KC and Louisville. They also had there first ever junior nationals...
  17. obie105

    best chore tractor

    I just took a 2355 in on trade with a loader and bale spear. It is in pretty good shape.
  18. obie105

    Denver Broncos

    I'm a Chiefs fan too! I went to yesterdays game. It was amazing and I just wish that team would show up every week.
  19. obie105

    Selling cattle on here

    Thats the thing to a calf that will win my county fair might not even be competitive else where. I know that after walking thru the stalls for my county I grew up showing in last year I was very disapointed. There was no steers that were weighing above 1200 and most were hardly clipped. I can...
  20. obie105

    Keeping condition on cattle during shows

    Sure champ seems to help. We also feed out of pans tied year round or with calves a few weeks before the show so they know and like the smell. Also water out of buckets a few times also. We haven't had a problem in years.