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  1. obie105

    Problematic Steers

    Does anyone in your area with experience have a donkey? In all my years of showing I had never used one til this summer and I am a fan. 4 hours one evening and they are broke atleast that was my experience. It sounds like your doing it right tho. Don't get discouraged! You have some time which...
  2. obie105

    foot rot

    We had a bull get foot rot and since we were having a tough time getting rid of it he came and gave a shot a micotil. I would never give one because of the risks but it cleared it right up. Is he in a dry pen? I know in some areas it has been very wet. Personally I would have a vet take a look.
  3. obie105

    5 legged calf for sale on craigslist

    There is a 3 eared pig I saw on craigslist yesterday.
  4. obie105

    2015 junior national dates

    Herefords are in Grand Island June 27-July 3 in 2015 and in 2016 in Madison, Wi July 9-July 16
  5. obie105

    Announcement from Tyson Foods

    When I spoke with my friend last night she stated they were evaluating the rest of the cattle on a case by case basis. They have had 6 head in the last week test positive for drug residues and all of which were fair cattle. She did not say how many tested positive for zilmax. It's not hard to...
  6. obie105

    Announcement from Tyson Foods

    I just asked the cattle coordinator at one of the plants and they have had several head in the last few weeks test positive for both drugs and zilmax. She said they are only handling existing bookings and evaluating them on a case by case basis. Most fair cattle they do what is called a tag...
  7. obie105

    Hereford Junior Nationals

    They had a program where breeders donated semen then juniors would apply to get that semen. The resulting calves were eligible.
  8. obie105

    Junior Nationals & Heat

    We ran a generator and ran fans. That was in Mississippi. It really wasn't bad. Check your weather.
  9. obie105

    Frustrated with Showmanship and Your Showmanship Tips!

    Is showmanship before or after regular classes? If after many judges watch you show all day. Also how you handle when your calf gets out of line is a huge thing. I actually won a showmanship class once and my heifer was horrible. The judge said it was how I handled the situation. Don't walk with...
  10. obie105

    tying calves?

    We always tie up especially with fans. In the past our calves like to stand with their heads in the fans which will not do good things to hair. You will develop a routine that works best for you.
  11. obie105

    Aborting Pregnancy

    Dexamethazone (sp?)
  12. obie105

    How much to feed

    We have always done a bottle in the morn and bottle in the night which I think the bottles are 2 quarts. Then try to get them eating calf starter as soon as you can to help fill them up.
  13. obie105

    Selling Cattle Across State Lines

    Health papers will work my husband hauls cattle for a lot of buyers and all he ever gets is health papers and if you get pulled over for dot inspection he's never even been asked for them. He's been doing it for ten years now.
  14. obie105

    Hereford bull for heifers

    About Time has been dead for 4-5 years now and his calves are still winning. I have seen some places with it priced higher.
  15. obie105

    Hereford bull for heifers

    True grit has an epd of 2 which isn't horrible for a Hereford but in my mind there are better options available for heifers.
  16. obie105

    Hereford bull for heifers

    If you just wanting commercial calves 3027 or sensation would be good choices also. We have used 3027 on heifers with no problems.
  17. obie105

    Heifer scared of small people

    Some just are. Maybe have some kids come over and just be around her in a controlled environment. I have a two year old son that's always here and all old show heifers for cows and if he's with me choring I have 2 cows, one being the one that went everywhere, that will not come near me and I can...
  18. obie105

    Hereford bull for heifers

    I'm using Perfect Timing an about time son.
  19. obie105

    calving ease EPD number question

    Calving ease high the number and birth weight lower the number. I know each breed is a little bit different on what is acceptable.
  20. obie105

    Hard Whiskey or Live Action

    Call and talk to Jason. He will tell you what is working.