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  1. common sense

    Dairy cow question...sorry!

    OK, so I know there are so economic issues here.  Do you really think that my husband hasn't tried to point that out to me?  However, how do you argue with "Peace of mind"?  I used to have this great mule (NOT A DONKEY!!)  that just re centered me at the end of a long day.  It didn't matter how...
  2. common sense

    Dairy cow question...sorry!

    Yeah, that's the one.  That looks too cool.  Do you have one?  Do you like it?  Hey, it might even help to get my hand back into shape; physical therapy!  LOL.
  3. common sense

    what exactly is a "club calve" ?

    Jasper, if you are truly looking to learn about the club calf industry then you are doing a good job by asking LOTS of questions.  You do need to remember that the answers you receive are going to be good and bad/positive and negative.  You will have to sort out what information you think has...
  4. common sense

    Calving problem-Help

    First of all, sometimes it just happens and it's nobody's fault.  That calf may have had the placenta over it's nose when it was partially delivered and just suffocated.  The cow, who should have been more concerned about hav ing her calf than following the herd, should have stayed put and let...
  5. common sense

    Dairy cow question...sorry!

    BCCC thanks!  I just googled that and found something that might work just great and doesn't cost a fortune!  Thanks so much you guys...and you to Brad! (lol) 
  6. common sense

    Dairy cow question...sorry!

    O.K. Jack, now THAT'S funny!  I am just thinking that milk contamination might be a slight issue.  I haven 't been keeping up on the threads lately but it looks like everyone is keeping their sense of humor.
  7. common sense

    Dairy cow question...sorry!

    Very funny dear.  Just remember YOU might have to milk the cow if I can't!!!  P.S. Actually ignore Brad's thread. He's working in the office today instead of helping me do chores...AND MILK THE COW!!!
  8. common sense

    Dairy cow question...sorry!

    O.K., I have a Freddy question that I just know it's going to pain me to ask but does anybody out there have any experience with dairy cows?  I have a Jersey that I hand milk and then let her calf suck.  I just weaned her calf and I need to milk her alone and more often.  The problem is that I...
  9. common sense

    Red the klutz!!!!

    (thumbsup)  OUCHIE!!!!!  ME HURT!
  10. common sense

    Work ethic

    Remember the good old days when we were raised on good morals and work ethic and a hand shake was a person's oath of honesty?  Remember when you could rely on people to do what was expected of them?  I am constantly stunned at how much of the youth of today have a complete lack of work ethic.  I...
  11. common sense

    Cowboy's calf

    You can find a picture of Max A Million on  He's not hard to miss.  Hey Kanshow...if you like that heifer you had better take a look at the rest.  That picture was just a "teaser".  She is a dolly though and has a killer personality.  I was rinsing her yesterday and my...
  12. common sense

    Cowboy's calf

    Max A Million (that's what we call him here at Club Calf Paradise) is doing great and although he is getting rid of his baby hair he has tons of new hair coming in and its much darker than his picture.  We really like Max and thanks to Cowboy's royal spoiling, Max has a great personality. We...
  13. common sense

    John Deere or Case?????

    I purchased a new tractor a year ago.  After MUCH homework and weighing the pros and cons I made my decision based on several things.  First of all, I was born and raised JD Green and I love them but I had to make my purchase based on business sense in this case.  Here are some factors that I...
  14. common sense

    Iowa Weather AGAIN

    It is gut wrenching to hear about the boy scout camp and the kids who lost their lives.  I can't imagine being a parent that was so far from their child and not knowing if they were o.k.  My heart pours out to everyone who is in the middle of all of this weather.  Our town somehow avoided the...
  15. common sense

    Cow kicking calf

    Ace.  I have one of those every now and then and i have found that if I treat the cow with a little ace, as directed by my vet, will chill her out.  You may have to give her some for a couple of days...and a couple times a day...but it will work wonders.  It has always worked great for me.
  16. common sense

    Question for Cowboy on 4 hour semen motility test

    I know this is a specifically targeted at Cowboy but I would like to add a couple of suggestions.  First off, when you get your bull semen tested this spring (and EVERYONE should have them tested) you have to make CERTAIN that your vet is staining a slide and not only checking motility but also...
  17. common sense

    Heavy Heart (not cattle related)

    :'( Oh, I feel so bad for you!  My dogs have always been a part of me and my very best friends. They are like children.  I thought I was going to have to put my dog down last fall.  He is 13 and has a bad heart and fluid around his lungs.  I bought a puppy to help with the transition.  Now I...
  18. common sense

    Are you a fretter? ( warning- personal angst)

    I used to be a fretter but after dealing with an ulcer by the age of 13, having severe anxiety attacks and and being married to the most laid back husband imaginable for 24 3/4 years (doesn't seem like forever) I have done a turn around. Now I am a planner but I can wait until ten minutes before...
  19. common sense

    AMEN brother!

    That's right! I love small towns too.  And I think that anyone with that would object to our constitutional rights should be tarred and feathered.  Better yet, lets just stone them!  After all, to be American is to be Christian! Of course we can pretend that we tolerate those other lowly...
  20. common sense

    AMEN brother!

    DID YOU KNOW? That the main reason for our ancestors arrival to this country was to flee religious persecution?