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  1. oakbar

    Purple & Gold Sale

    You can find pictures, etc. by lookig up the Ellsworth Equestrian Center and clicking on the Purple & Gold Sale area.  Ellsworth students  and Kevin Butt are doing a great job with this sale!  Great spot for Iowa 4-Hrs to find a show calf!
  2. oakbar

    Purple & Gold Sale

    The Ellsworth CC Purple & Gold sale will be held in Iowa Falls, IA tomorrow at 1:00p.m.  We'll be selling an Ace of Diamonds steer and a Bellringer heifer.  45 top quality calves in all!
  3. oakbar

    one of Iowans freinds psses

    Mark was a great guy and wonderful advocate for agricultures.  I worked with him a couple of times at the Iowa State Fair beef show and in conjunction with the 4-H programs.  He was a very genuine, humble, and fun guy to work with.  I can't think of any one person out there who can replace his...
  4. oakbar

    Three Thing to Ponder, Cows, The Constitution, The Ten Commandments

    Thank you for your extremely astute and dynamic critique of my post.    However, perhaps you should study the difference between the literal(some say simple) translation as you understood it and the satirical meaning with which it was intended--i.e. my comment about "tongue firmly planted in...
  5. oakbar

    Three Thing to Ponder, Cows, The Constitution, The Ten Commandments

    Obviously, for those of you who know me, my comments were made with my TFPIC (tongue firmly planted in cheek),    Also, I don't believe I mentioned any particular nationality in my post.    I just think it is so rediculous to keep catching illegals again and again and never finding a way to mete...
  6. oakbar

    Unmanned Drones spying on farming practices?

    Apparently, the EPA has been running routine routes across what they call Section 7(much of the midwest including IA, NE, KS, & MO) for 10 years.  They view it as a very cost effective way of monitoring the effect of feedlot runoff on water quality.  Its interesting (to me at least) that they...
  7. oakbar

    Unmanned Drones spying on farming practices?

    There was some mention of it on "The Five" yesterday.  Apparently it has to do with a fine levied on a Nebraska farmer for runoff from his cattle operation.  They also said Sen. Johanns is currently involved in questioning the limits/legality of EPA investigations.    One of the legal minds...
  8. oakbar

    Help Me Vote Obama Out

    Wow, did this thread ever get hijacked!!  We don't need a whole board anymore---we'll just talk about every topic on one thread I guess!
  9. oakbar

    Three Thing to Ponder, Cows, The Constitution, The Ten Commandments

    Great common sense thinking!  Too bad our current society puts very little value on common sense.    I personally think we should put bar code tatoos on any illegal aliens caught in this country for ID purposes and implant  a microchip(I'll let you choose the spot) to track their movements. ...
  10. oakbar

    Post pics of your most exciting calves of 2012!

    Whoops, meant to attach the picture of the cow and calf.  Here goes.
  11. oakbar

    Post pics of your most exciting calves of 2012!

    I don't know if the calves pictured are the most exciting of the bunch--but they are the most recent ones.  The first is an Ace of Diamonds bull calf out of our Trump X Lovely Lady cow.  The second is a picture of the same bull calf with the  Bellringer heifer out of our MAV Passion heifer. ...
  12. oakbar

    Help Me Vote Obama Out

    I recently recieved an email that I thought was pretty good.    The author recommended that to show support for your favored candidate in the November presidential election, Romney supporters should drive with their lights on during the day and the Obama supporters should drive with their lights...
  13. oakbar

    Its Derby Day!!!

    We got a good  pic of Bodemeister as he turned down the homestretch at the Derby.  He looked absolutely awesome.  I'll also include a picture of "I'll Have Another" as he broke from the gate just to show you how close we were to him.  We sat in the second row about 30 yards from the starting...
  14. oakbar

    Its Derby Day!!!

    I was there and it was an absolutely fantastic experience.  I won a little on Dullahan and lost more on Hansen, Union Rags, and Gemologist.  WE also visited the French Lick area and spent a day(much too little time) in the Lexington area.  I will definitley go back to Lexington for an...
  15. oakbar


    I didn't mean to get on my soapbox but I would like to see everyone let up on the personal insults, etc.    As Red Green would say--"We're all in this together"--so my hope is that we can try to accentuate the positive  in each others view points, etc.  We certainly all have more challenges in...
  16. oakbar


    Wow!!  After reading a few of the recent exchanges on SP, I see nothing has changed!! As many of you know, although I used to post on SP quite a bit, I haven't been very active the last year or so for a number of reasons.    Primary on that list of reasons was that(because I work with a lot of...
  17. oakbar

    North Iowa Beef Clinic scheduled for 4/14

    We are putting the final details together for Saturday's clinic at NIACC in Mason City, IA.    We will have Josh Elder conducting the grooming and fitting portion of our clinic.  In addition, Dr. Mike Pugh of Westwood Embryo Services will be on hand with their mobile lab to discuss...
  18. oakbar

    North Iowa Beef Clinic scheduled for 4/14

    Things are really coming together now.  We may add a session on AI, ET, etc. as well.  If you are interested in attending or know someone who is please have them respond to Abbie Johnson at NIACC---see the flier attached to previous post for more information.
  19. oakbar

    North Iowa Beef Clinic scheduled for 4/14

    Flier attached.    This should be a great time and very educational for the younger show cattle enthusiasts and parents.
  20. oakbar

    shorthorn cows

    Two very good cows IMHO.  Wish I had them both on my farm as do a lot of Shorthorn breeders.