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  1. TexasRedsAndShorties

    Opinions on Steer

    Pretty nice please update on how he does!
  2. TexasRedsAndShorties

    Showing a cow/calf pair?

    getting my heifers bred soon so my questions for anyone who has successfully shown pairs are A do i need to watch out for my show heifer becoming aggressive about the calf B how do you safely transport multiple pairs and C Share your experiences please!
  3. TexasRedsAndShorties

    Compton brought a Chute Full to the Cattle Congress

    just looking at those pictures closer makes me wonder what the hell they are feeding them up in Iowa wow 🤩
  4. TexasRedsAndShorties

    Compton brought a Chute Full to the Cattle Congress

    Lookin Badass pretty sure I know who I wanna use on my shortie
  5. TexasRedsAndShorties

    Fitter 52 Fresh And Feminine Or Femininity Your opinions?

    What did you think about these products did they work for you? <cowboy>
  6. TexasRedsAndShorties

    Brisket skin help! New here yeah I’m aware this site has kinda died down

    She did have awesome amazing hair but as you may know I’m in Texas and ever since the big hot drought it just all went totally away not even the same texture as the old hair and I believe her head is held straight forward she just has a really rolly neck now people have tried to convince me to...
  7. TexasRedsAndShorties

    Brisket skin help! New here yeah I’m aware this site has kinda died down

    Also here is a recent picture of her at the state fair placed fourth in a tough class but if I had the brisket like it used to be she would’ve done better and yes I am very aware she wasn’t set up kicking myself for that most definitely
  8. TexasRedsAndShorties

    Brisket skin help! New here yeah I’m aware this site has kinda died down

    I’ve only ever met two judges I really did like Dr John declerk and James murziekawitz probably not even spelt correctly there lol! But James actually had a passion for judging and it showed and John declerk was very real about his judging style :)
  9. TexasRedsAndShorties

    Brisket skin help! New here yeah I’m aware this site has kinda died down

    I have no doubt my girls will go out and make great cows but yep those fancy term judges are an issue I can most always look at a judge and tell you how I’ll do they have a look about them
  10. TexasRedsAndShorties

    Brisket skin help! New here yeah I’m aware this site has kinda died down

    She’s awesomely feminine but this brisket thing is definitely effecting her competing ability I feed a 2.5 fat feed she gets 9 pounds of it along with supplements and such no fat pones or anything just needs some skin to go bye bye
  11. TexasRedsAndShorties

    Brisket skin help! New here yeah I’m aware this site has kinda died down

    I have a red angus heifer out of MLK Bigfoot and if you look him up you will very quickly realize the issue I’m having with this heifer her brisket is not filled out but this excess skin is a problem! And makes her brisket look alot larger than it is in reality my question? What can I do neck...