Does anyone know of a place that you can buy a kit of supplies with everything a beginner needs? I saw one on Ebay a before and should have got it then... If not what kindad things should i get?
The end goal is around 1300. Im feeding Hi-Pro beef Starter, as we do not have a local mill and untill school starts up next month i cant get him weighed..
What is the average daily gain for a show calf? Also how much feed would = how many pounds? Should grain or alfalfa be the main feed? And right now i would say hes around 500lbs. THANKS!!! ;D
Im going to a breeder that has about 15 head right now. He has Herefords and Hereford Angus crosses. Im not one to fall the pretty animals. I have raised pigs and lambs in the years before as show animals. Thanks for the tips.
So im going to be picking out my calf this week that i will be showing at fair in April. This is my first year with show steers. Were buying at around 400lbs. What qualities should i be looking for in the calf that will give me a good lookin steer?