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  1. shorties

    Durhams4Denver Sale

    The sale was another great success!! Lot 1 went to fisher cattle company for $14000 and we avg. $4431 on 23 bulls.
  2. shorties

    Shorthorn Bred Heifers For Sale

    No the bred heifers will not be in denver but the open heifer calves will be there.
  3. shorties

    How cold is it??

    We had our open house today and this morning when i did chores it was -37 below with about a 10mph wind.  NOT FUN
  4. shorties

    Durhams For Denver 2010

    Hey everyone, Our catolog is done for our sale that we have in denver.  Our website is, there are pictures located there and the full catolog is at  If someone would want a catolog sent to them please just pm me and we will get...
  5. shorties

    Shorthorn bull

    yes sull bought lot 1 JSF Master of Jazz 22u for 17000 and yes select bought lot 8 JSF No problem which was changed to JSF capiche for 13000
  6. shorties

    New JPJ son

    JIT, This is your statement..."The feedlot people are wanting finished steers that can go to the rail with a hanging weight of 800 to 950 lbs, and that is higher than was wanted even 5 years ago".  Acorrding to USDA anything over 900 LBS gets Discounted so why would you want your performance to...
  7. shorties

    Old Semen Tank

    I was digging threw my neighbors semen tank yesterday and found some Full Throttle and Chill Factor.  I was wondering what they were going for and maybe if anyone wanted some. PM me if you need more info.
  8. shorties

    Memories in the Making...North Dakota

    Sorry about that it is actually then go to sale pens
  9. shorties

    Memories in the Making...North Dakota

    Hey guys i think you should check out to check out some good calves that should be priced cheap. The bid off closes tommorrow and contact details can be found at livestock connection on the sale pen page. Below is a sample of a Hotspot steer and a purebred JPJ shorthorn...
  10. shorties


    Really like the bull but two things that i would like changed with what was already mentioned.  First he is plenty soft in the pastures on the rear not a huge deal up still a concern also he looks plenty staight in his shoulder.  But besides that i like the gentics and things he would be a good...
  11. shorties

    Can Not get this calf broke

    Thank you for all of your comments! Knabe i have tried using a little pen because that is how i break all of my calves.  I have broke 40 calves this year because i work for someone who sells alot of bulls that go to denver.  Thanks for all your comments again.
  12. shorties

    Can Not get this calf broke

    Also another thought i had is can i ask the person that i bought the calf from for my money back or is that out of the questoin?
  13. shorties

    Can Not get this calf broke

    I cant believe that i am asking this question but i have a steer that i can not get broke.  This is not the first time that i broke animals as i have halter broke around 40 head this year but this one is a trouble for me.  I have worked with him multiple times from october to now, this would...