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  1. K

    Pictures of calves in private treaty (more to come)

    I am sorry if I got something started on here, it was just one of my pet peeves that got the best of me this time.  The thing that bugged me the most is that the calves looked great and there was absolutely no need to do anything to the pics.  A good cattle person can recognize a good calf with...
  2. K

    Pictures of calves in private treaty (more to come)

    The calves look nice, but I do not know why you did not get them clipped instead of that editing job.  I do not know about anyone else, but I severely dislike digital editing when it comes to advertising cattle.
  3. K

    Picking out your show steer...

    I agree with what has been said so far.  I try to look at what the calf does not do well rather than its positive traits and they seem to sort themselves out on their own.  It is very easy to fall for the hairy or the big butted one, and disregard a structure issue or some other problem.  The...
  4. K


    All major semen catalogs will have this protocol in the back of the books.  I believe that one is the select-synch program for cows.  I use that one for cows and heifers and have had good luck with it.  I also on certain cows will save the CIDR and put it back in day 14 after AI and pull on day...
  5. K

    cost of medication/ insurance

    I manage and farm and we do not have enough employees to make the health insurance cost effective for the farm.  The best deal I found was on  I have a $1000 deductable and only pay $70/month.  I just wanted to have it in case of a medical emergency that required surgery. ...
  6. K


    I never bred anything to Schwarzkopf, but  have shown 2 steers out of him, both won their class at our state fair.  He worked on the typical moderate to small soggy angus cow.  Seemed to add bone and style, they were not super thick and sometimes can throw some attitude as most Chi's are capable...
  7. K

    Pink Eye

    The long lasting tetracycline like LA-200 or Bio-Mycin with a patch is probably the most common treatment and a good one.  I also have given 1/2 cc of Nuflor in the conjuctiva (not sure about spelling) with a patch.  This seems to cure it the quickest and limits the scarring that can happen. ...
  8. K

    Anyone ever seen the bull Climax: Tripple bred 734?

    I used him this year instead of Macho.  With his pedigree and the calves I have seen out of him, they are as you would expect just like 734.  The ones I have seen have a little more muscle than 734 put on his, but still had that cool look.  I think he will work really well for anybody looking...
  9. K

    Satellite Internet

    I am tired of waiting for DSL to not come out to our farm.  I am looking now at Satellite Internet.  I am sure that a few people on here use this now.  I am curious what company you use and how your experience has been with it so far?
  10. K

    Band or Cut

    I use the larger bander on the calves at weaning.  We do a lot of backgrounding as well and used to get a few bulls in with the steers we bought.  After losing one a couple of years ago do to cutting, I have gone exclusively to banding.  I really like the way the calves handle it.  There is very...
  11. K

    Pigs, Pigs and more Pigs!!!

    We bred mostly blue butts, and one litter of Durocs.  The sires we used were R2D2, Willie, and Cash.  The Willie's were  really cool and stout and will probably use again next year, very saleable pigs.  The R2D2's were late bloomers and really stoutened up, but I questioned their structure, as...
  12. K

    What kind of Cows do Heat Seeker Females Make?

    I have had some experience with cows like these and there is nothing that seems to click better with them than a really good Simmi or Maine bull.  You bought her at Cane Ridge and just look at their program.  They make a living selling half blood weanlings and breds out of cows just like her. ...
  13. K


    Hey BCCC we raised and sold a few show pigs this year.  What sires did you have the best luck with this year?
  14. K

    Family Traditions Simmental Sale -- Did anyone go?

    That is pretty typical of their catalogs.  I do not know if it is just not a high priority, but if you look at pictures from their catalogs of Star Power, Amazon, or Steel Force.  Then look at the pictures that are taken later by professionals and some good fitting then the cattle look awesome. ...
  15. K

    What kind of Mineral

    I use the Carghill Right Time Mineral.  It has different mixes to account for the time of year you feed it.  Very high in Selenium and the highest copper I have been able to find, which is important as both of these are deficient in our area.
  16. K

    Feet Problems!

    I am not sure if anyone has posted this lately.  I have started to see a little bit of what I believe is Hoof Rot in some of my cows.  There will be a noticeable limp and swelling around the pastern and in between the hooves.  My treatment for them has been hoof rot treatment in the bottle...
  17. K

    jakes proud jazz-30,000 pounds

    OK, there is something about the Shorthorn breed that has bugged me for years that I just cannot hold in anymore.  In my opinion for what it is worth the Shorthorn breed has gone so far away from what it was bred and meant to be.  As a british breed, it should be a moderate, maternal cow that...
  18. K

    Sowing more pastures with legumes

    We use the Red and Ladino Clover to dilute out the effects of the fescue in our pastures.  This year I interseeded Red Clover and Orchardgrass into 1/3 of our fields.  I try to do this about every year to keep the forage fresh and make adjustments if needed.  One thing we did last year that...
  19. K

    Off Topic: Using a box blade on long driveways.

    We used to use a grater blade, but it was bad about throwing the rock off of the road.  We switched to a box blade a couple of years ago and really enjoy.  I am not familiar with the road boss that you all are talking about, but definitely going to do some research on it.  However  I would...
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    We have de-wormed at breeding time for many years with no problems.  I have no scientific data to back this up, just my experience over the years.