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  1. JoeDirt

    give us some triva about yourself

    Did you Sleep on the couch that NIGHT?????????? (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)
  2. JoeDirt

    give us some triva about yourself

    WOW that is nice ...I love how you can put make-up on with one hand......Well we all know women need 2 hours to get ready  (welcome) (welcome)
  3. JoeDirt

    Finally Blue Roan Pictures (Kadabra x Double Vision) (SOLD)

    With ALL wanting a PRICE just post it here hehelol It might help on pm to many times and easier on your fingers and keyboard BTW it look nice and PM me a price too  (dog) (dog) (dog) (dog) (dog) (dog) (dog) (dog) (dog) Do you have 2 of them?
  4. JoeDirt

    give us some triva about yourself

    I hold the Worlds Fastest Window Cleaning Record or Asia (this includes Japan China Hong Kong Thailand, South Korea)  We wash 3 windows 3 foot X 4 Foot in 10.3 Seconds
  5. JoeDirt

    Bobby May Judge for VCCP?????

    What does Bobby May look for in his calves for the Grand and Reserve?
  6. JoeDirt

    leg hair

    AMEN on the TUBE SOCK  it has happen to me
  7. JoeDirt

    suggestions- mouse in the house!

    BARN CAT  MOUSER Should get them
  8. JoeDirt

    Fall Steers and Heifers for sale!!

    I like 90 and 236 the best
  9. JoeDirt

    NWSS Photographer NEW PICTURE!!!

    BOY the Photographer has a lot of CLEANING up to do
  10. JoeDirt


    Do you have a list of what your animials sold for?  If you dont want to tell us all of them , can you tell us a half dozen of them? Chris
  11. JoeDirt

    NWSS GRAND and RESERVE Pics You Judge

    All you can do is Look and do your best....You Got better Pictures? Post them! 
  12. JoeDirt

    NWSS GRAND and RESERVE Pics You Judge

    Here you go I thought we can vote and all can see the Champions and Vote for your Best Steer
  13. JoeDirt

    National Western Steer Show Results

    Economy means lower bids at junior auction By Mike McPhee The Denver Post The economy put a big hit on the Junior Livestock Auction Friday night at the National Western Stock Show. This year's champions brought only 50-70 percent of the prices paid last year. The biggest disappointment was the...
  14. JoeDirt


    I dont think he has huge Shoulders either.... becasue when you have that much mass you got to compare them to his hip butt and top...........I think then compare great........ If he was not that massive in those areas then I would say he has HUGE SHOULDERS
  15. JoeDirt

    Denver Steer Show WINNER IS.......2008 who will it be this year??? DENVER -- Maynard won the biggest prize in Shelby Kroupa's life Thursday when he was named grand champion steer at the 2008 National Western Stock Show. The 1,312-pound black crossbred topped the 64 head of steers in this year's...
  16. JoeDirt

    Poll question #1 about open jackpot shows

    Showmenship is for practice and I dont care if the animal is acting up or not it is good are there you might as while have fun and do it
  17. JoeDirt

    Poll question #2 about open jackpot shows

    Where we are from OREGON.......ZERO OF the show allow this
  18. JoeDirt

    AI techs in Oregon?

    Ask one of these GUYS they will KNOW George Sprague 85777  Vilhauer Rd. Eugene OR 97405  541-465-2188  Greg Stallings 85711 Pine Grove Rd. Eugene OR 97404  541-344-4344  Karen Sprague 85777  Vilhauer Rd. Eugene OR 97405  541-465-2188
  19. JoeDirt


    I think the video or all aboard is really good to BUT out out all the videos posted on Womanizer was the best BIG HIP BIG TOP BIG BONE and nice hair