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  1. P

    Generators...Watts...Volts....Help Needed

    Watts = Volts x Amps.  AC Current in North America ranges from 110 to 120v.  Remember with a generator, regardless of rated watts, you have to clear the breakers.  So make sure it's got 20 Amp circuit breakers, not 15 Amp.  Gotta have 20 Amps to run a modern blower.  Your AE III will take...
  2. P


    According to the Show Circuit, Grand Champion Steer at Phoenix 2009 was Katy Satree of Montague, Texas, with an "Angus".
  3. P

    Hereford bull.....BR Wildfire

    He's a carrier of Idiopathic Epilepsy (IEC).
  4. P

    Show question of the week!?

    I think a judge that has kids change animals in showmanship is asking for a train wreck, especially in the younger kids.  Back when I showed, this did seem to be more common.  I had a couple of heifers that were flat unshowable by any one but me.  Even my dad could barely handle them.  I don't...