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  1. cpubarn

    I officially call BS

    The more this cattle market drops, the more some people are going to push things both ways. I have gotten the panicked call from formerly confident sellers with phone bids, online sales, private treaty and conventional auctions. I guess that probably means I'm old and cheap, I've walked away...
  2. cpubarn

    Goin 4 broke

    WOW! he looks great! 3ml sexed heifer semen? 
  3. cpubarn

    Best Simmental Bulls right now

    I haven't visited any farms but glancing at video they are out there...  is one I saw just before I opened this.
  4. cpubarn

    Weaning with Quiet Weans (nose clips)

    I have used them 4-5 years.  Put in in pasture, wait 4 days.  Wean. Very easy on calves.  Worth the trouble on 40 head....  Have plenty of creep feed in feeders.....  Almost always have 1 or 2 that milk anyway. .  They are the only ones that bellar....
  5. cpubarn

    Sale reports for and

    If they don't show up on website, try
  6. cpubarn

    Ramrod x JPJ Bull

    For me , test for DS or forget it.
  7. cpubarn

    Can you breed up to pb shorthorn?

    Do both. If you are Ok showing in the 1/2+ classes if offered in your area the red angus x shorty crosses work well.  Then buy a purebred cow or two.  If they stick AI great, if not, more shorty+....
  8. cpubarn

    Stock trailer floor

    My father tried plain old boards like you describe. It worked for a few months.  Talk to a local lumber yard,  someone who cares should be able to get you a harder board to use.  There is also plastic lumber for trailers but it is a step up in price.
  9. cpubarn

    Need help with cow with no milk!!

    A couple of my sons shorthorns get their milk late.  If the calf is hungry and in a group often there are cows that will let this one rob...  Do you have any that would let it rob?  then creep the group..
  10. cpubarn

    Creep for a few calves

    For me, Ive used precon complete to get small calves started, especially when they are in a small lot/yard close to the house.  Other creeps seem to be a little to "hot" for me.  Then I use something home mixed with a little corn when they are in a little larger pasture and don't stand all day...
  11. cpubarn

    Best heat detection aids?

    I like the standing heat patch a little better.  Harder to scratch off.  I rub the dust off spray with tail adhesive and stick em on.
  12. cpubarn

    can't register calves

    Also was there a sale manager involved? Sometimes they can help put pressure on a seller.
  13. cpubarn

    Breeding Question

    I like your Brilliance and Rodman Ideas...  But only have a couple of brilliance calves, too few to help... I will admint with the simi's being hot I will ask are you trying Uprising, etc? Put a while blaze on that calf and score an extra $1000 or 10,000...
  14. cpubarn

    Breeding Suggestions

    There have been lots of options.  You spoke about sexed semen. My favorite way of seeing whats available is to ask Patty @ Cattle visions by email what sexed semen is available and she will email me a report.  This is how I see what is interesting at the different price levels....  Some I would...
  15. cpubarn

    Calf with bad knees

    I've heard of a lot that had to be put down, but mine last year that looked that bad, no club calf, just simangus, grew out of it, and was fine by fall.  I hope you have the same luck I did.  This years calf was a little off, don't know that there will be a next year for the cow...
  16. cpubarn

    Joined a new club

    Congratulations! Have fun with the little guy.  It wont be long and they will be out checking cows with you....
  17. cpubarn


    I use the disc mower on grass hays and later cuttings of alfalfa, but that tuff first cutting, you might was well have the neighbor mow it for you...  Hard to get those stems dry
  18. cpubarn

    looking for a creep feed

    What brand or mill?
  19. cpubarn

    Breeding Suggestions, Please

    I would throw out bush's unbelievable on angus, or Barstow cash. Card shark or Hamley red angus if you don't want to go to the Dark side....