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    The best Wedding entrance... N/C I mean really, really N/C

    love that!! what was 1st song/artist? 
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    Tomato's (nc)

    Really surprised no response on this first off are they planted in same place as last year? 2nd are the leaves touching the ground? third have you been drenched with abundance of rain or do you water? third if you water do you have a sprinkler or ground water? fourth did you fertilize with fresh...
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    Army backs down from soldier - NC

    Zach that article pretty wells sums up whats wrong with the whole picture right now! First this was news for what reason? oh right they get paid to write something Second this major has a problem with Obama? so he won't serve in the action but he will follow orders to keep him stateside out of...
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    Let me preface this with this thought.I am not pro/con non cattle posts just con/negetive posts.And in that vein I see alot of concern with actions in Congress/Whitehouse right now.NOt taking a stand on any of issues but more in like of the unease we all are feelinf right now. I know I can send...
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    Best steak

    years ago we had a holstein steer that hooked a hoof and vet took off hock on down so that steer never got out of dairy barn lived in a 8x8 stall.He could stand but was too heavy to walk more than ashort bit.When he went to locker he weighed 1400 but was fat fat fat (for a holstein!) my family...
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    Letter to Obama . N/C

    Are you guys done yet? I have been polite till now but enough is enough! this is a cattle site not It's a sad world indeed when I can not let my children onto a cattle site because of some bitter old codgers taking over with vile hate spewing pity the republican crap!Trust me on...
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    dexter clip

    need a little guidance here dexter people feel free to weigh in for me.I have afriend just started into dexters last year that want to show/sell a bull at a dexter show soon. They are horse people never clipped a calf and asked for some help no problem right but which way to go? Dexters beef or...
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    Am I just naive, stupid or what ?

    this sunject came up some time back (can not remember who posted)  some producers sell every thing and buy kids replacement calves to keep from getting the reputation of holding back the really good one .Its a matter of doing good business if you advertise all to go then make it all to go.Same...
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    DL did I tell you yet that I've missed you?I understand your point-you see only in black and white.Some folks live in a grey world.Get it done get the results out and live with the facts! that simple Mulberry will succeed or fail on his own merit.Andthis post lasted way too long for the one...
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    stiff hocks on new born

    just a quick question actually more than one! What do you do for new Born's with that stiff hock curl under do not like to stand problem?And is it a heredity problem? I have a set of twin heifers that had this problem when born.I checked vet and we just massaged the hock and worked it for a few...
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    Why are bulls selling like firecrackers?

    seems like everybody and dog has bulls for sale up our way but prices on the "name" sales were not good lot of no sells on the ones I was at. l think you may be right on light use of AI and embryo use this spring but like always AI pays a dividend   
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    How does this happen?

    had same color pattern last on shortie /simmi cross mother white face orange fleck looking cow dad was shadybrook ceturion son roan bull, heifer came out orange roan not quite dark enough red to look like a shorty. ps I kept her back for a replacement cause she outgrew everything in the pen...
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    Lets all Join Together for Cathy (RED) 11:00 Friday am

    we will all miss her but lets make an effort to do things red's way here on SP thats what brought us together R I P Red
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    As all of you I am saddened to hear of Red's passing my condolences to family and to her friends here. Red always kept us on a positive track-she is the reason sooo many joined her here at SP She will be missed! Let us rejoice in the knowledge that she now travels in a better place and keep her...
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    Young Bull, What Do You Think?

    10 months- looks good nice length nice rear quarter without extreme not tight gutted by this picture overall good bull I will add picture does not do justice for width or base would like to get up close etc for a look but looks like he will do what he is bred to do add lbs. add muscle and stay...
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    protein tubs

    Braun we use tubs most of winter most people up-here do supplement mineral salt as others have listed. I started on tubs on advise from feed dude at my elevator don't worry about consumption after 1st tub cows dropped back to a 1lb a day Cows are so much smarter than us how do they know??! I...
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    Interesting Angus bull...

    Telos glad to see this subject come up! Also appreciate Bawdoh's factual info! Funny when I saw genex catalog the 1st thing I wondered was how the Scottish bulls compared to Lowline framewise.And also what realtime cattle feeders thought of these bulls. Justtintime did you get a chance to chat...
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    different maine site

    Knabe very interesting! Funny how we see these doubled up critters and we roll our eyes! I was not aware of a double muscle in maines(not a maine guy persay) but am not surprised in area this site comes from Read an interesting article from farm bureau lady on tour in Belgium couple years ago...
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    AI sire Hotmail. Does anyone know info on him? Where to find a picture?

    hotmail was raised by Jay Solsma Solsmas have a website with picture of Hotmail on show steers Iowa site note IMO he produced fuctional cattle maybe not as clean as some would like for showsteers but my Hotmails finished well all made grade easily and had huge tops! should also be a picture of...
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    let me relate a little story from my youth-Uncle Bill served in Korea during war and being thetype of guy he was lived with a Korean family(sortof) while there borought supplies etc as he tells it old poppasan had a puppy followed him everywhere and Poppasan fed him good and he ended up a fat...