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    whats the best

    Thanks Tony!
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    whats the best

    Here is a Gus Heifer that we are quite fond of around here. Her mother is our JB Bonnie Princess cow who produced the Deadwood heifer we sold in the NAILE sale last year. The Gus calves do come easy, we bred heifers to him for the third year this spring (about 18 of them) and I don't hate myself...
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    Show Steers In Kansas area

    We would be happy to have you out to see the calves. We live 10 miles south of Great Bend, and my cell number is (620)282-8364. Thanks, Jeff
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    Conception rates on Sexed Semen

    Linnette I most of all hope that everything goes great for you. Customer results are my guage of sucess. We have had very good results of sexed matings. Please let me know how things turn out. Thank-you, Jeff
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    Sexed Female Shorthorn embryos

    We are good Doc. I finished rebuilding fence today and our main deal is hay so we are setting good. Monday was pretty intense with fire trucks behind the house and barn, but the great fire department and the dozer man kept our place. I could never thank them enough. I greatly appreciate your...
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    the meat show

    Knabe, Brother you are way out there and I like that about you. I always read your posts but this one hit me hard. These folks are all about what we do ever day. We need cool casual exteemests like these that sell our lifestyles and product. In a world where the AP tells us that red meat will...
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    Sexed Female Shorthorn embryos

    We had calf out of a convencional version of this mating, he was a bull but this bugger is good. I will get a picture when I can but things have been a bit dicey around here. Here is a picture of our show heifers run taken from our barn yesterday.
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    Sexed Female Shorthorn embryos

    We have avaliable embyros for sale by TM Gus and NPS Timeless Rose105. These were fertilized with sexed female semen (that looks funny to read) ;). Timeless Rose is an own daughter for KA'BA Rose T90 and is sired by JG Redcloud. If you are interested please let me know.
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    Ali Semen

    I have a decent quanity of Ali semen for sale. Let me know if you are interested.
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    Tm Gus Heifer

    Good luck with her! She looks to be doing well. On a selfish note ;), get her better, calves like that will do great things for the old bull!
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    TM Gus

    Conventional (non-sexed) semen is avaliable through ShorthornShop, Cattle Visions, and SEK. For sexed semen contact us our info is on our website, Thank-you for asking and if we can help you let me know. -Jeff Stump
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    How do you want to go?

    When I am about 98 years old I plan on being shot by a jealous husband. :o
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    My TM Gus Calf (and my bonehead mistake)

    If you contact me I will be happy to GIVE you another unit of Gus to try again for next year. I hate the bum luck deals. The calf looks good from what I can tell. I know a Vet that is almost a wizard for fixing crazey problems and freak injurys. Please give me a call and I will try to get you in...
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    RFD TV

    I also like the HEE HAW reruns!
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    Is Docility Heritabale?

    Does anybody on here remember breaking and being broken by Full Throttle calves....... My Answer is a resounding yes. The tame bull's calves are easier to be around.
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    Gizmo calf

    Great bone for a Gizmo, and a very nice calf. If you name one Stumpy even your pie won't lure me in! :o
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    What color do you think the TM Gus calf is??

    Just put another Gus baby on the scale, 75# bull out of a first calver. Black mom red baby. We have had all kinds of colors so the Oakbar mystery is still anyones guess. Should we start a little pool for winner takes all?
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    What color do you think the TM Gus calf is??

    Hey Lynn would it be cheating if I guessed? How are mom and calf doing? Our SULL Augusta Pride show heifer from last year calved to Gus today. I am sorry to report that it was our heaviest Gus calf to date. He went 95 pounds and we did help her. She passed a lump of fat with him which I did...
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    Gordon Brockmueller

    He contributed greatly to this industry and his breed. He will be missed greatly.
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    Best White Faced Bull To Use this Spring

    We have had great luck with Garten's 3-D. Stout nicely balanced calves with moderation and exeptional rib shape. I am not sure if he would be a heifer bull but so far calving ease has been great.