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  1. bluegrass


    Feed normal feeding early in the morning then let him munch on hay with salt sprinkled on it all day. I would not let him drink until about 5 minutes befor he steps on scales if possible. With you being that close to fairgrounds you should go over and check out the scales and see if they weigh...
  2. bluegrass


    Renegade, if its going to be close make sure he's as full as you can get him when he hits the scales. 5 gallons of water may make the differance in making it or not.
  3. bluegrass

    Rain For sale, Or free Central-Texas

    Put me down for 2 orders of rain, we have gotten a little lately but are still way behind.
  4. bluegrass

    Pelletized Distillers Grain

    Around here we have a lot of bourbon distilleries (wild turkey, four roses, makers mark, etc.) they will give the wet stuff away if you haul it off. I am not currently set up to feed the stuff but have been looking in to it and hope to be using it by winter. I am told it has 2 lbs of grain to...
  5. bluegrass

    The Recipe Thread

    My brother Dan makes the best beef brisket in the world I will ask him to share the recipe.
  6. bluegrass

    Congratulations Shortdawg!

    Good for you Shortdawg, congradulations.
  7. bluegrass

    Word Association Game

    Salers as in Bouncer the Salers bull.
  8. bluegrass

    How dry/wet are you?

    It is raining hard right now thank you to all that have been praying for us it worked.
  9. bluegrass

    How dry/wet are you?

    It is so dry here the cows will only give powdered milk. Lol. We got another short shower today I might get to mow my yard next month. I have never seen it this dry here.
  10. bluegrass

    Wanted: Ohlde Cows or Heifers

    Kysteer, check with Akers they have a lot of OCC breeding.