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  1. bluegrass


    At the steer party at N.A.I.L.E. Would be good
  2. bluegrass

    Do you have Dial-Up or High-Speed Internet?

    I am not real sure what I have. I use my Blackberry at home, have high speed at the office. On my Blackberry I was able to get the pics but now I can't did I mess up my settings or did the site change?
  3. bluegrass

    Where is everyone

    Well the wind picked up this evening and skt turned really dark, looked like it would start any minute, and then nothing happened. They said on the news that Lexington is going on water saving plan.
  4. bluegrass


    I say we have an official Steer Planet Social gathering at any event 2 or more members attend. 8-)
  5. bluegrass

    Where is everyone

    We've been trying everything around here, cutting hay, leaving windows down, washing cars, and of course prayer. Where can I learn a good rain dance?
  6. bluegrass

    Word Association Game

    Wish yall wouldn't use all dem 50 dollar words, wearing my dictionary out trying to keep up.;)
  7. bluegrass

    chi jr national show

    Chi show is 3rd week of June, Simmy show is 2nd week of July. How far away is he coming from I am sure something could be worked out if she's a good heifer.
  8. bluegrass

    Georgia Beef Futurity

    I agree with ya shortdawg, Perry is one of the best places going for cattle shows, and we have had a lot of success getting cattle sold there in the past.
  9. bluegrass

    Lawn tractors

    When I worked for Ragsdale he had a kubota that was awsome, but it was very expensive. We noticed John Deere had the exact same mower but was 5k higher because of the name
  10. bluegrass

    How does your garden grow?

    Speaking of trees, my apple trees do ok, but my peach tree starts little peaches every year then they just dry up when they get about the size of a quarter. Any suggestions on how to fix this problem? We had a late freeze this year so don't expect any of the trees to do much.
  11. bluegrass

    chi jr national show

    Chi's are in Bowling Green, Simmy show is in Louisville. 
  12. bluegrass

    chi jr national show

    Any body coming to Kentucky for Chi or Simmy Jr Nationals?         
  13. bluegrass

    Joke of the Day

    Thanks for the laughs guys, just what I needed, keep em coming. Cowz could you send me some of those cattle buyer jokes "the crusty ones" to my e mail?
  14. bluegrass

    Who is going to their state fair this year?

    The South Carolina State Fair has been one of our favs for the last several years, they really cater to the livestock exhibitors and the "Green Room" is awsome not to mention they stick the horses way in the back of every thing else. Its the exact opposite of our state fair that's why we like it...
  15. bluegrass

    Lawn tractors

    Check out the Dixie Chopper its the best zero turn mower for this area (hills and rocks). Wish I could afford one. Hasn't rained here for awhile so been letting the show cattle trim things up for about 1 hour every evening at turn out time. :)
  16. bluegrass

    How does your garden grow?

    The only thing I grow is tomatoes because there easy, but me nor the kids like them. But its nice to see that you did something and the neighbors love them. Last year we had a nice crop of accidental punkins that got ripe just in time for halloween.  :)
  17. bluegrass

    Keeping cool!

    Knabe, I know exactly what your talking about. I was a state employee for almost 8 years and seen several cases of women that would flirt with every man that had a set just hoping 1 of them would cross the line. And every time some poor fool would bite and then came the investigation, then all...
  18. bluegrass

    duct tape

    I don't know what I would do with out it, keep it in every vehicle so I never leave home without it.