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  1. L


    What is meant by daines ???
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    Fitting Criteria

    How is this possible? It is for a contest and I am new to everything? 1. Cattle will be clean and dry with no adhesives, oil or other foreign substances when they enter the ring 2. No helpers, clippers or blowers will be used. 3. No paint or coloring agents allowed. Thanks.
  3. L

    step up

    I have my feed elevated and i know some people use like a step up it supposedly helps build a bigger front end? Should i do this?
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    Winter Shows

    I believe that this show is not available for out of states maybe not but i think it is?
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    Heart of it All Show

    What do you mean no build up? Like no adhesives. This is my first year and my last year showing so I am kinda lost with all of this if there is no adhesives what do you use for the legs and tail head.?
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    No this is a mix that i made up.
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    He is not on a show feed he is on a feed that i mixed up and yes he is going to be at a couple differnt shows such as the Heart of It All and some of the shows in Michigan. So he is going to be showing for two weeks in Dec. then starting April till August.
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    Is there a mineral that i should be giving to my steer? ???
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    World Beef Expo

    I was wondering if there was alot of Maine Heifers at the open show and how did they look.
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    Winter Shows

    There is also one in Jewett Ohio on October 20th but I cant find the site anymore could someone please help me ???
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    For Sale:March blue roan heifer

    I was wondering how much you wanted for her. Also are you going to have any calves for sale the beginning of April?
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    Winter Shows

    Who should i contact about the scarlet and gray is it open to michigan because i know that the hoosier is not. i think so
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    Winter Shows

    I was wondering if anyone knew of any shows from November to February in Ohio, Indiana area. I am from Michigan and we only have the winter beef classic. Thank you
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    World Beef Expo

    This takes all of the fun out of the show having to get all of these tests and so on. Kinda frustrating since the prospect steer entries arent due till sept.15 and the show is like the 30th and it will take atleast a week or two for the TB test i believe. Also how much are the TB tests?
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    World Beef Expo

    Now what about the proof of ownership that is what i am really worried about because my breeder just has cross bred steers and doesnt have like pedigree papers or anything like that what do i do about proving that the animal is mine?
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    World Beef Expo

    Actually I am from Michigan but we have certain counties that are differnt like the upper part they are effected but i am not in one of those counties?
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    World Beef Expo

    This is my first year attending the World Beef Expo and I still am unsure about some of the requirements we need. Such as the proof of ownership. For example my steer is a cross breed and I did not recieve and paper work for it what should I do? Also they need to be TB tested why do they need to...
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    Michigan Open Shows

    I was wondering if anyone could tell me of open shows in Michigan.
  19. L

    Who makes this feed?

    I live in Michigan I thought it was a bigger feed mill that brought it to local ones?
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    Who makes this feed?

    I just bought a calf for next year's county fair in August and there is a feed out there that has cherry oil in it but i can not remember who makes it. The feed i guess helps with fair growth also. And will it be ok for my calf to be put out on pasture with a little bit of feed till about Dec...