If I was to show her the next day in the JR. show she would of competed in the plus division but not overall there were some darn nice heifers in the final drive
She was my pic from the first day i saw the catalog and then my buddy said she won. They made out pretty good with the heifer last year the champion plus heifer only brought 1600 and she was nice too
Now I see who made me go out of my budget I only wanted to go to $2500 for lot 67 but the longer she stayed in there the more I like her. I will keep you all updated with pictures of her she has a show to go to the first week of April.
2. We need to realize nothing is ever going to be worse as the president right now.
3. People do not know until it happens.
4. Why are we believing all of this stuff in the News and Internet ( I don't know if anyone has noticed it is not all...
He is on a custom feed that we mixed up and getting a pound a half of calf manna a day someone told me to try probiotics and do not let him out at night keep him in all the time and this is just to make weight.
I am looking for a nice calf to purchase within the next month. Calf must weight 600 pounds for an august fair. Willing to spend about $1000. I also live in Michigan.