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    2019 Iowa State Fair Steer Show

    What did you think about soundness/freedom of movement on some of the steers she used?
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    2019 Iowa State Fair Steer Show

    What was everyone's opinion of the steer show at the Iowa State Fair?
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    Everything Show Cattle is no more

    I am not certain why Everything Show Cattle was taken down.  I believe that it had something to do with posting prices on cattle, but honestly...I don't know if I believe that. Everything Show Cattle turned into a sewer of trash where the posts fell into one of a few categories: Advertising...
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    Share your experience/advice please

    For me, even if you have to borrow a calf from someone, under no circumstances would I haul or stall one by themselves. No trying to be mean, but it is possible to wreck one by doing that.
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    Steer high protein feed??

    Ok, 7 scoops of grower twice per day.  I am not a scoop counting guy, but if my memory is correct, a scoop is 4 pounds.  That is 56 pounds of grower per day. Or are you feeding him half of that 7 scoops at each feeding?  What does this steer weigh?  I need more information in order to help...
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    i can't get my main-angus to grow hair

    You are putting way WAY too much crap on her! Show Coat only. The Show Coat people will tell you straight up...if you use their products in addition to others it won't work as well.
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    1 OAK

    There are a lot of them running around.  You'll start seeing them in about a month.
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    how much showcoat do i spray on?

    Blow them 90% dry. Mist on the show coat just enough to completely mat the hair down when brushing with a plastic scrub brush. Brush them dry in front of fans with the plastic scrub brush.  Don't blow it out.  Basically, you need to use enough to get the HIDE wet. Find the Showcoat...
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    Does here I am carry a red gene?

    I don't know that I have personally ever seen a Here I Am that wasn't black. Great idea!
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    how much showcoat do i spray on?

    Follow the directions on the bottle, or get on the Show Coat website. There is a specific way to use it.  Do it that way.  Any more and you are wasting money.  Any less and it won't work as well.
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    best clipper lube?

    I always used any lubricating type of oil.  WD-40 works as good as anything as long as you have a blower to get all of it off the clippers.  It will break down adhesive in a hurry. Most people use Final Bloom on show day...because it is laying around anyway.
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    how are shows going?

    Have you guys noticed how little coverage there is anymore? I used to log on to the Sullivan Blog, Lautner Blog, and Rodgers Blog first thing every Monday morning.  There were always show results and pictures from the weekend shows. Not any more.  I don't know if nobody is providing them with...
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    Double blower cart question?

    You need at least SOME of the 2" hose.  You can then go to small hose after that. 
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    opinions on x-block clippers

    Clippers and blades are 100% personal preference. There really isn't any inside information.  Every person you talk to likes a different clipper and blade combination.  Often times it's because that is what they learned with or simply what they had. Unfortunately there isn't much to tell you...
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    how do i twine legs?

    The way to learn how to do something like this is to go to some big prospect shows and just hang around the fitting chutes. You have to go to the early prospect shows because it isn't allowed at the terminal shows.  I know that some people will get away with some modest twining at fat steer...
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    my blower blows hot air when the heat switch is off.

    They all blow hot.  They are just LESS hot with only the one switch on.
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    Steer jocks and clubby buyers

    Look up the names of anyone selling club calves in KY or TN.  Anyone.  Call them up.  None of these guys are raising what they are selling.  Sure, maybe some they are raising.  The others are trader cattle. No offense, but you are making it much harder than it needs to be. 