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  1. KCK

    Genetic Opportunity Sale, Hillsboro, Ind

    Please join us in Hillsboro, Ind, on Sept. 11 at high noon. Here is the link to the catalog: The female pictured here is one of the highlights from last years sale. MCM Monica Vanessa 9011 Raven x MCM Monica 405: Reserve Spring Calf...
  2. KCK

    funny for the day!!!

    You just made my Monday, Doc! Thank you for that chuckle (clapping)
  3. KCK

    Favorite thing to do at a cattle show or on show day?

    Those quite minutes alone with my own thoughts about how the day will go. A little examining of the heifer, leaning on the showstick, getting the mind right. All alone in my thoughts. I love that part. And the seconds when you walk in the ring and your heifer can feel the excitement and prances...
  4. KCK

    Beef Cattle Judging Workshops???

    Where do you live? There is normally a clinic on fitting and such at the Royal. Um, shows like Louisville and Kansas City are coming up. It is sale season. You could just wonder around at sales, listen to people and hang out. Now if you are wanting a judging like situation, there are some videos...
  5. KCK


    I just remembered. We made them wear the purple ones with the leather one over it. But, it was in Colorado and it wasn't too hot. Not sure what it would do in a hot, hot environment.
  6. KCK

    Sets of pairs for sale in Texas

    Adding one more group. Set of 40 Brangus cross heifes: Heifers to calve as 2-year-olds beginning January 15, AI’d to Gardiner bred low-birth weight, heavy weaning bulls from April 6, 7, 8. They were pasture exposed to low-birth weight, heavy weaning bulls starting April 8, 2010. Priced at...
  7. KCK


    For a quick fix, try acupuncture. Sounds off the wall, but the horse people do it and I have seen the difference it makes in heifers. We had some sort of concoction we sprayed on their necks under the sweat collar, then wrapped it in Saran wrap, then topped with the collar (but that was just on...
  8. KCK

    Hereford Steers

    Hereford steers are perfect for what you are looking for. Where are you located? I would say getting one from a Hereford breeder would increase your odds of getting a more docile one. And, it would come with papers to back you up. I am a Hereford girl at heart and love to see little kids with...
  9. KCK

    mosque on hallowed ground

    All religion aside, because I agree that our laws allow them to do it, but why are they not taking our feelings into account? On a whole, I would venture to say that a majority of American's get a little emotional when thinking of 9/11. I know I do. So, why can't the people behind this whole...
  10. KCK

    Sets of pairs for sale in Texas

    Cattle still available.
  11. KCK

    hereford hair

    Belly line: Rice root brush, go back with the turn of the belly. Don't blow until you get that worked out. Work, work, work the hair with a brush. If the body hair is out of wack, work it down and forward, move it forward and up slowly but surely. Easy does it.
  12. KCK

    Freezer beef

    I am moments away from doing something I simply loathe: Going to the store and buying beef. Anyone around the OKC-ish area on here want to go in on whole beef? Or, does anyone close buy have some that are almost ready to butcher that I could jump in there and partner with? It just frustrates me...
  13. KCK

    Great Association or Hospitality Building for Sale

    Buford Resources is selling a unique building of 7600 +/- acres in Midwest City, Okla. If you, or anyone you know of, is looking for a headquarters office or a breed association is looking for a change of scenery, this is your building. A video of the building can be found on our youtube...
  14. KCK

    Troubador Birthweights

    Know of a puppy dog tame on being shown by a first year showman in Texas. They are best friends. There is on more disposition report for you. And, that same family has had a number of his calves and I didn't hear of them pulling a single one or even worrying about assisting a cow. Out of all...
  15. KCK

    Favorite Moment(s)

    Watching a sunset over the barn took a backseat to seeing my little brother when Sr. Showmanship in Indy this summer. I think a moment that is my favorite is one where I feel proud and I couldn't have been more proud than at the Hereford Junior National.  <party>
  16. KCK

    Sets of pairs for sale in Texas

    If your interested in getting a few sets of blady cattle, we have some to offer near Bonham, Texas.Types included: Brangus females bred back to Hereford and Angus bulls. Angus momma's bred back to Gardiner bulls. They have all been worked to our ranch standars. These are a few rough pictures of...
  17. KCK

    Tail swinging problem.

    I used to tie a halter around it. Wrap the whole thing around the tail, making it annoying for the calft to swing the tail. They would just give up. With the tail tie deal you might run the rist of killing the tail to the point of it falling off or getting infected.
  18. KCK

    Land Rush 2010, Oklahoma

    Buford Resources is offering over 5750 acres at public auction next week. The land is in parcels in six Oklahoma counties: Bryan, Choctaw, Wagoner, Haskell, Leflore and Latimer. If you would like more information, PM me or visit for legal descriptions of the land, aerial...
  19. KCK

    Video Showmanship Tips from Holly Gamble Meier & Amie Sterzbach

    I like to tell kids that the head is like a steering wheel. Use it to your advantage, either to help move the feet to where you want, to help walk into it or to make great circles. If you control the head like you control your car, you will look more professional.
  20. KCK

    we can start eating humans. we have horns.

    Ya. Try setting around, catching a late summer meal watching the news, and this dude's picture pops up. I shot water out of my nose! The news said his mom was "having trouble" with him..... I wonder when that started? With the piercings, the tattoos or the horns?? Hello people... some people...