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  1. Okotoks

    Diamond Lord Belmore 56B

    Well I cannot seem to post in the classifieds so if admin can move this post there, thank you! We are selling 5 packages of 20 straws of Diamond Lord Belmore 56B on Saturday October 22 in The All Star Classic in Lacombe Alberta. The sale will be online at DLMS We are also selling...
  2. Okotoks

    Pasture pics of bull calves out of two year olds.

    I was trying to post about the semen we have available on Diamond Lord Belmore 56B, at the All Star Classic in Lacombe next Saturday but when I go to Classifieds it shows me as a guest? I sent an email to admin but no reply, do you need a different account to log in there? ???
  3. Okotoks

    Possibly flushing cow with HD Swagger

    He has been used some at Hill Haven and one of their herd bulls, Hill Haven Rocko 27Y, is by him.
  4. Okotoks

    Green Pasture Calf

    You are doing a great job with him (thumbsup)
  5. Okotoks

    28 Year Old Hereford Cow

    The oldest regidtered cow we had was a shorthorn, Diamond Zeena, she produced until she was 18. We had an old balck crossbred cow that made it to 19 or 20. What's the oldest cow you have had? Interesting article from Iowa Farmer Today...
  6. Okotoks

    Mandalong Super Flag

    No we order tests through CLRC but with the exchange rate your 69 is 91 Canadian so pretty much the same thing. Myostatin is one of the options on our form.
  7. Okotoks

    Mandalong Super Flag

    It is costing us $120.00 to test for the TH, PHA, Myo and DS! Plus a DNA profile for $45.00 , plus $25 whole herd fee. $190 is a lot so making that mandatory would drive a lot of breeders away.We are doing panels on some of them too (I don't know that I am a large breeder but I am a longtime...
  8. Okotoks

    KMS Canasta

    You should contact Graham Sharp at Double Star Stock Farms, Lacombe, AB as he had the bull and unfortunately lost him in an accident.
  9. Okotoks

    Mandalong Super Flag

    I thought an example showing a confirmed carrier of DS and TH showing up 72 times in 4 bulls free of the defect would illustrate the importance of testing one's herd bulls! These bulls are producing excellent offspring and I do not have to worry about what animals in their backgrounds was a TH...
  10. Okotoks

    Mandalong Super Flag

    If one is concerned about testing for a genetic condition the quickest and best way to start is with one's own herd bulls. It costs $35 and is the perfect starting point. The question on the beginnining of this thread was is "Mandalong Super Flag a mysostatin carrier?" Well let's look at 4 bulls...
  11. Okotoks

    Smokin Bob

    I agree that heifer of yours Gargan is an awesome heifer! (thumbsup)
  12. Okotoks

    Beef globalization

    R-calf......brings back memories of BSE and how R-calf used it as a trade barrier. I suppose they are against exporting US beef to other countries? (thought not >:( )
  13. Okotoks

    Roy Lovaas (Hidden Hill Farm Shorthorns)

    If there was a "like" button I would use it. There are so many expenses with farming that getting those registrations done seems like just another cost but really I think it's a pretty good value. It doesn't matter how good that purebred animal is or the fact it has generations of selected...
  14. Okotoks

    Pasture pics of bull calves out of two year olds.

    A couple of more Diamond Lord Belmore 56B calves. The heifer is out of a two year old Diamond Zulu 3Z and the bull is out of a two year old Herbourne B Manitoba Gus 13Z. At 200 days the bull calf weighed 642 lbs and his dam 1257 lbs., 51% of her weight. The heifer's dam is only 28 1/2 months old...
  15. Okotoks

    Mandalong Super Flag

    I paid to have Mandalong Super Flag tested for TH and PHA and he is free of both. I could see if they could run myostatin on the DNA on file but if I do that I will place bets on him being free and I will use my winnings to pay for the test. Frankly breeders should be testing their CURRENT herd...
  16. Okotoks

    Darwin (agrees with XBAR) on Mongrels

    Or when the breeder doesn't pay attention to the market place or technology he is being short sighted because if there is no market for the product it will become irrelevant! Breeders should be able to utilize the tools available and still select for functional useful cattle.
  17. Okotoks

    Darwin (agrees with XBAR) on Mongrels

    Darwin was ahead of his time and his theory of natural selection certainly challenged the current day thinking of his time. Over 150 years later one wonders what he would make of our advances in DNA and the ability to do so much more than he could in his time. Bringing Darwin up seems a bit...