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  1. S

    Deer Meat - Funny for the day!!!

    Years ago we had a lease in Rocksprings, TX and in this area they sold micro ranches, or 20 acre tracts.  Many of the homes had deer stands built on top of the homes that you entered into through the attic, pretty neat concept.  The travel trailer is for me though, my boys would love it!  I can...
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    Blood In Calf's Stool

    I believe I saw in a post you were from the Carthage area.  More than likely you use chicken manure for fertilizer on your pasture, here is your culprit.  Take the above advice and treat with Corid for cocidiosis.  The blood  will be on top of the manure and around the bottom of the rectum and...
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    Did someone beat me to it? A new request from PETA

    This one is just too funny, I can not even think of an appropriate way to put my thoughts down without being banned.  All I will say is it might make might make milking twice a day 365 days a year worth getting up at 3:30 in the morning.  My luck my herd would look like it came off the pages of...
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    Tree Huggers

    Boy I'm glad that were not around yesterday morning when my youngest son ran over one of our barn kittens with the Ranger, not to mention all of the trees we are sawing up blown down by Ike.  That makes me feel so evil in how I make my living, then again no it doesn't let them cry!
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    Getting Show Heifer Back In Shape

    Thanks for all the input and help.  We will try the Full Tank, we are already using a fat supplement called Power Plus along with a protein supplement called Exceed.  We have had good luck with these products the past couple of years.  I am anxious to get her back in ring condition since she did...
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    Getting Show Heifer Back In Shape

    The only problem with Winning Fill, is the nearest dealer to me is 90 miles, I did find a local dealer that carries Full Tank.  Is there enough difference to justify making the trip, or does Full Tank get competent results?
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    Getting Show Heifer Back In Shape

    We currently have her on grass, free choice hay and a 3.5% fat feed ration.  She looks well muscled and healthy, she just needs that round soggy look.  Very big framed girl for a 16 month old, long neck extension and smooth shoulder.  Thanks, and keep the help coming.
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    Getting Show Heifer Back In Shape

    We finally received my youngest son's Brangus heifer back with a confirmed 30-45 day pregnancy.  She is pretty rung out from being on the pasture with a bull since May 30, I need some experienced insight to get her back in show condition.  Her first show is the county fair in three weeks, but...
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    no electricity

    Things are moving along quickly here, the linemen are doing a great job getting people electricity.  The big difference between Rita and Ike were the weather conditions after the storm.  Rita left us with 100 degree heat and humidity, Ike aftermath we were in the mid 50's to 70 and helped...
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    Hurricane Ike

    Chambero, they are smarter than that, we went to the sawmill and got all the chainsaws.  Little brother informed me that Mom said he could run the saw, so guess who got to drag and load limbs.  Yesterday was my oldest son's birthday and he was real somber all day.  I hugged him at the end of the...
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    Hurricane Ike

    Everyone is right about we are taking care of ourselves, I have a very close friend that owns a hurricane recovery company here in Nacogdoches.  He works under FEMA contracts all over the U.S., he is using his equipment locally to help restore us before heading out with multiple crews to...
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    Hurricane Ike

    We got hammered here in Nacogdoches, luckily my house and barn did not receive damage.  We are still without power and water, finally got power at our sawmill so I am back at work.  All schools in this area are closed until further notice.  All reports show that this was worse than Rita in our...
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    Castrating ???

    I just had our vet cut one that weighed 650 lbs., the only thing I would add to the prior advice in the threads is he tied the cords off to reduce bleeding.  It worked like a charm, two days later you could hardly tell the procedure was done due to lack of swelling.  On a side note I almost...
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    Texas people

    My youngest son took a May 2, 07 Brangus heifer to Fort Worth last year and won his class.  Just realize that in division you will be the youngest and not have a good chance of placing in front of the older calves.  He had a blast and was so proud because it was only her second show.  Go for it...
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    breaking the unbreakable

    I agree with all of the above techniques, but will add that on the runners we use a Big Jim breaking halter that can be purchased from Sullivans.  Really gets their attention and helps control the head.  Good luck.
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    Ultrasound Question

    Thanks DL, I will have it done the end of next week.
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    Ultrasound Question

    My youngest son has a Brangus heifer that we gave a shot of Lute, she cycled on May 30 and has been in the breeding pen with the bull since.  The bull did his part and he has not paid her any attention, even though she acted as if coming back in.  How long should I wait to have her ultrasounded...
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    No Fit Show Pix

    I interpret his reference to "No Fit" to mean blow and go.  Many of our local jackpots follow this procedure, the animals are clipped and blown out but the use of adhesives and paints are off limits.  My son's Shorthorn last year was perfect for these type of shows, hair, hair, and more hair!  I...
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    kinda show feed to use

    We fed Showmaster Grower the past two years with great success, can not say the same for the Finisher.  I do not intend to use it again though because they are notorious for jumping their prices consistently.  We started in at $9.50/bag last show season and by the time all of the Majors were...
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    Sale Prices@ smaller fairs

    "Premium", is a nice word for donation.  Our buyers realize that they are not purchasing an animal only rewarding the county youth for their hard work.  As stated by others these buyers are local businesses and merchants that make their livings off of sales of their products and services.  It is...