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  1. coyote

    Balmoral Oaks Eagle 9X

    We sold him to market last fall at the age of 11. 
  2. coyote

    Balmoral Oaks Eagle 9X

    Here is a pretty good looking bull. Lee Miller from Ohio just bought him .
  3. coyote

    lets have a different conversation about heifer calving ease

    librarian, go to this sight to search bulls that have a high MCE, put in 13 for a low and 20 for a high .
  4. coyote

    Shorty hf bulls

    MURIDALE SKOLL 38Y CE 13.4 Sorry r.n.reed and Okotoks this guy has a little higher ce. Warner Ranch in Wyoming own him.
  5. coyote

    Shorty hf bulls

    Looks real good, RN. who is he?
  6. coyote

    Shorty hf bulls

  7. coyote

    Shorty hf bulls

    Mocha 37S, we AI'ed her to Muridale Buster 14K this year, Knabe.
  8. coyote

    Canada vs U.S. Shorthorn purity

    Another trait that the Maines added to Shorthorns was PHA. When I read on Steerplanet it sounds like the jury is still out on whether it was a positive or negative.
  9. coyote

    Canada vs U.S. Shorthorn purity

    I bet some other " old time breeders" would say it killed the breed out in ranch land with hard calving, hard doing cattle. It is an interesting topic on where the breed would be . Same thing as other breeds, as how they changed, like turning a lot of breeds black, where would they be if they...
  10. coyote

    Canada vs U.S. Shorthorn purity

    Looking back was there more positives or negatives by infusing Maine Anjou into Shorthorns ? They added more growth and muscling into Shorthorns almost to the point of making the Shorthorn breed more of a terminal breed. They also added the higher flank, harder doing cattle, along with higher...
  11. coyote

    Shorty hf bulls

    This is our heifer bull Muridale Hero 31Z Sire- BONNYVIEW HERO 7Z ( born in the 1960's) Dam sired by Saskavalley Bonanza BW- 70 lbs BW EPD- -4.6 CE - +12.9 We used him last year and we were pleased with the results, with his calving ease and how well the calves did on grass this summer. This...
  12. coyote

    Futurity Australian Shorthorn Sale

    It would be interesting to see what the bulls actual BW, WW, YW are.
  13. coyote

    Buster 2nd heifer

    She looks pretty good.
  14. coyote

    Potential genetic defect in Shorthorn cattle

    Muridale Buster 14K DSF Saskvalley Bonanza 219M DSF Muridale Buster 2nd 76P DSF
  15. coyote

    Alta Cedar First Blood 5R

    I sure wish I would of drawn more semen on Muridale Buster 14K, my wife told me too, she reminds me a bit ;). The first picture is a yearling son we are using, then a daughter from this year and the red cow is a maternal sister sired by Alta Cedar Ultimate 130K.
  16. coyote

    A couple pictures

    MURIDALE JAXSON 4A , a year later. Sired by Muridale Buster 14K .
  17. coyote

    Who's Your Daddy Bull Sale

    Lot 37 broke his front leg .
  18. coyote

    Shorthorn for commercial use

    We are using a Black Angus bull on some Shorthorn cows here and they have worked out fine. The only thing is the Angus bull has more spunk then what we are use to with our Shorthorn bulls. We have also bought heifers out of Red Angus cows from some of our Shorthorn bull customers. They look like...
  19. coyote

    Shorty hf bulls

    Do you think JIT might of been falsely reporting higher BW on his calves just to get a rise out of AJ? ;)
  20. coyote

    Everything old is new again!

    We are keeping the Hero bull to use on heifers again.