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  1. coyote

    Everything old is new again!

    This is Muridale Hero 31Z His sire is from the 1960's.                     x2921415 TH-F DNA-Y HILLDALE COMMANDER               x3148703 DNA-N HD COMMANDER'S HERO                           2910824 DNA-N HD COLLYNIE W C CLARIBEL Sire:  xC424708 DNA-N BONNYVIEW HERO 7Z                        ...
  2. coyote

    Everything old is new again!

    MURIDALE ANTIQUE 5Z, his mother is a maternal sister to Muridale Buster 14K.                     3040242 DNA-N TPS CORONET GALAXY x3153157 DNA-N TPS CORONET GALAXY 10TH                                 x3003825 DNA-N AUGUSTA CORONITA 48TH Sire: x3289804 DNA-N CUMBERLAND GAY LAD            ...
  3. coyote

    Shorty hf bulls

    This is Muridale Hero 31Z , we used him on a group of heifers last year. His sire is from the 1960's.               x2921415 TH-F DNA-Y HILLDALE COMMANDER           x3148703 DNA-N HD COMMANDER'S HERO                         2910824 DNA-N HD COLLYNIE W C CLARIBEL Sire: xC424708 DNA-N...
  4. coyote

    Shorthorn X Red Angus heifers

    Here are a couple of our 2 yr old bulls.
  5. coyote

    Muridale Buster 14K

    I have some Buster 14K semen here that we are planning on using. We have a  yearling Buster bull that is coming along pretty good and we are planning on using him this year.
  6. coyote

    Shorthorn X Red Angus heifers

    Is there only mermaids ? You never hear of mermens. If there are only mermaids how do they reproduce? ( tequila influenced question)
  7. coyote

    Shorthorn X Red Angus heifers

    RankeCattleCo, what would one of those " hell of a calf" be worth?
  8. coyote

    Shorthorn X Red Angus heifers

    Most of these heifers we bought. They are from 2 herds that got bulls from us (the bull below is one of them) , they were both using sons of Saskvalley Bonanza 219M.  In the bunch there are a few we raised, they are by a Black Angus bull (he is a red carrier) and pure Shorthorn cows. One of...
  9. coyote

    Shorthorn X Red Angus heifers

    They are replacements. They were born in April, they had been just on hay up until about 3 weeks ago now they are getting 2 lbs of Oats a day.
  10. coyote

    Shorthorn X Red Angus heifers

    Here are some Shorthorn X Red Angus heifers . I think they are going to grow into some good "ground sows"
  11. coyote

    Shorthorn semen

    Saskvalley Yesterday , I sure like the looks of him.
  12. coyote

    Little Cedar Cabrera Res. National Champion Shorthorn Bull

    Judge do you have a picture of the bull from Quebec that is twice the bull?
  13. coyote

    Picture of the day

    This picture was taken by Carrie Braun,  she is very shy so I said I would put this picture up for her. They have some neat pictures on their web site ,
  14. coyote

    You Canadien's are about to make me mad

    You guys in the USA gave us COOL we gave you cold.
  15. coyote

    Picture of the day

    here is a picture of my son/dogs,  ;)
  16. coyote

    Picture of the day

    A picture from a few years ago, Merry Christmas fellow steerplaneteirs.
  17. coyote

    Picture of the day

    Cows coming for feed .
  18. coyote

    Picture of the day

    tamarack, that is a neat picture. It looks like your snow is piling up.
  19. coyote

    Picture of the day

    Moving cows. Picture was taken a couple weeks ago, when it was nice and warm.