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  1. L

    Looking for a Calf

    I am currently looking for a calf that will be about 1400 lbs. next august. It doesnt matter what breed but must be a steer.
  2. L

    New to Showing

    I weighed him today and he was 260 lbs. and he has to be 450 and he has 65 days is that to high to shoot for what is the average weight gain and what can i do for him to gain more.
  3. L

    New to Showing

    He has just been weaned this week we took him right off of the mom. I will get you a picture hopefully soon.
  4. L

    New to Showing

    I know that they are suppose to be square but im wondering if there is anything to help get the front end of the calf to be wider.
  5. L

    New to Showing

    Well i also show sheep and i know that they are suppose to look like a triangle and thats what he looks like. i am feeding him a 12% grower from kalambach and he is only about 200 lbs give or take a couple. he needs to be about 450 by august.
  6. L

    New to Showing

    This is my first year showing a market prospect steer. Which at out fair we call them a Feeder Steer. He has very good genetics from a local famer has won many times at our fair but??? MY steer's back end is alot bigger that his front end. I was wondering if they oat blend that Kalambach feed...