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  1. NHR

    How can people justify buying a steer for $25,000?

    I was going to post something about what is wrong with spending money how one sees fit but I realized we live in the Socialist States of America now where the majority believe in "fair play" where everyone gets a trophy. Personally, if you want to spend the money, that is your decision. Please...
  2. NHR

    washing in winter

    If the water still comes out of the hose then it is warm enough to wash..... (thumbsup)
  3. NHR

    DOT regulations in Iowa about pickups with trailers

    So glad I live in Texas!!! Of course Shorthorn Junior Nationals is in Iowa next summer.... :(
  4. NHR

    Walking to the ring on asphalt/concrete/gravel problem...

    Agree with Chambero, probably tenderness of some sort in the hoof, could also be a hoof trimming issue.
  5. NHR

    AOD and Mav on hold

    Both are still available at other providers....
  6. NHR

    AOD and Mav on hold

    Where are you hearing this?
  7. NHR

    Thriller X Shorthorn Born 9/29

    Very interested in seeing more photos of this one when she is weaned!!!
  8. NHR

    How Cold is Too Cold

    When you turn the water hose on and only icicles come out, then you know it might be too cold!
  9. NHR

    jpj dead

    Our JPJ heifer that my daughter is showing is unbeaten in class at the Texas majors and just won Grand Champion at the East Texas State Fair. I think we will use him again on that cow!
  10. NHR

    Genetic Defect - Not Shorthorn Related ;>)

    Interesting read on how this defect formed with this bull in New Zealand.
  11. NHR


    Bingo!!! Why should a kid who has worked hard year round get penalized because other kids are lazy and play on the XBox or Playstation all day? To wet them down is just stupid (of course for some of the calves it might be the first time they have had a bath). To prevent the "Professional Fitter"...
  12. NHR

    Fantasy Football 2012-2013

    Picking 18th in draft just BLOWS!!!!
  13. NHR

    PETA at the CO state fair.

    I like to stand in front of them and eat some BBQ ribs making sure to really enjoy myself!
  14. NHR

    Ideas for cattle tag numbering system

    Our ear tags match the tattoo number. For example this year we started with 01Z for Tattoo's and the ear tags will have the same number. We keep records on our computer so we can cross reference any identification number to determine everything about the animal.
  15. NHR

    Daughters NHR Shortie 4 months along

    The problem I have seen with the HD Swagger calves is that they round off on the hip real bad. We have not experienced the "sloppier shoulders" you mention with Jake's Proud Jazz. I know that txshorthorn bred the heifer to JPJ to get a light birth weight calf out of a show heifer. I am not for...
  16. NHR

    Daughters NHR Shortie 4 months along

    I sent you a PM regarding breeding decisions.
  17. NHR

    Daughters NHR Shortie 4 months along

    She is looking real good! (clapping) Keep an eye on her weight to make sure you don't have any calving issues.
  18. NHR

    Breed Opinions for Grass Fed Beef Operation

    Lowline, Beefmaster, or a British Cross.