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  1. DLD

    new breed

    Here's where the Black Herefords never got traction, IMHO.  Those original 200 (or however many), better be good.  If they don't have something to offer other than a unique color and a set of papers, then all you're doing is setting up something of a pyramid scheme where the only way to get 'em...
  2. DLD

    WHAT is this club calf semen worth a unit ...

    DOC Hollywood Reg# 239704 (PB Maine) Sire: LCJ DOC Holliday Dam: Green Valley Sherry 253C DOB: 03/20/1997 BW: 90 Scurred
  3. DLD

    WHAT is this club calf semen worth a unit ...

    Those are all high percentage Maine bulls.  Very popular bulls in their time, still readily available.  $25 on Fear This, $20 on all the rest from SEK. 
  4. DLD

    benefits of fitting

    Yes, if you feel like you need some help to make your cattle look their best, then hire someone to help you.  It's great that you want to learn, so try to find someone that you (and whoever you hire) is comfortable with you watching close and asking lots of questions, and maybe guiding you...
  5. DLD

    Feed question

    LNC has a location in Keota.  Might be farther away than you want, but the location in Chickasha keeps a couple of show rations on hand.  We feed quite a bit of it and like it a lot.  Though it's a little higher than our custom mix from Apache Co-Op, it's still a whole lot cheaper than any...
  6. DLD

    Need help identifying steer skin condition

    This.  We get a case of this once in awhile, mostly on the belly, twist, and inside of the back legs. Another kid in our chapter had one that ended up with it everywhere - that one didn't get shown. Usually we can get rid of it by scrubbing it out eventually, and rinsing it daily with...
  7. DLD

    Feeding Netwrapped Bales

    We do it mostly with groups that need 2-3 days to eat the whole bale - it just seems like they waste a whole lot less if the remainder of the bale is held together 'til they get it ate up.  If there's enough cows there to eat it in a day, we unroll it so that everything gets a fair shot, but I...
  8. DLD

    Feeding Netwrapped Bales

    The net wrap we get does seem to deteriorate somewhat, but I have no idea how long it would take to rot away completely.  I do notice that wrap, especially on the bottom, of wheat hay, oat hay, peanut hay, corn stalks, milo, etc...,  sure doesn't seem to last as long as alfalfa or grass hay, but...
  9. DLD

    Feeding Netwrapped Bales

    If we're feeding a big enough group of cows that they'll clean it up by the next day, we take the wrap off and unroll the bale.  Smaller groups of cows we set on the end, and cut the wrap off the top half of the bale.  Pick up the rest of the net wrap when we set the next bale out - it's never...
  10. DLD

    Anyone have the Lawton results?

    If you're talking about the Wichita Mountains Classic in Lawton, OK, it was postponed (because of weather) 'til January 4th & 5th.  Which, btw, puts it on top of 2 previously scheduled shows at El Reno and Holdenville.  Be interesting to see how that all plays out.
  11. DLD

    South American Hereford bull. Thoughts?

    That Hereford bull looks really good - extremely powerful, but still smooth and well balanced.  I'd give that one a try if he was available here. Red Angus bull looks good, too - maybe a little coarse, but really stout.
  12. DLD

    Steer Traits

    Like frostback says, you need all of that (and then some).  But the first thing I look for is balance/eye appeal.  They are after all show steers - if they don't catch my eye, I'm going to keep looking.  Structure is extremely important, but absolutely flawless structure is pretty hard to find...
  13. DLD

    Work in the Show Cattle Industry

    The others are right - it won't be easy.  But I'm going to say it's not impossible.  I agree with Rack that cleaning out stalls and washing calves isn't much of a career, but you've gotta start somewhere.  If it's what you're dead set on, you'd just as well give it a try - you may have to take...
  14. DLD

    Here is an interesting article that I found online!!!

    Without seeing it in person, I'm not gonna say whether it happened in this case or not.  I've seen it happen enough times that I know it can and does.  I've also seen a whole lot of cases where some folks just aren't willing to accept that they might've gotten beat by a better one, and are...
  15. DLD

    Started with a steer, now just bought a heifer!!

    Nice heifer.  The tailhead isn't ideal, to be sure, but she's still far from a throwaway to me. It is funny though, how many people have their "pet peeves" about cattle (even their own) that they can't see past.  I can think of several times over the years with families that I help that I've...
  16. DLD

    pre-heatseeker bulls

    I've been selling semen, mostly clubby stuff, for over 20 years. Wish I could remember what year it was, but I do remember I figured it up one year, and over 90% of what I'd sold was 3 bulls - Heat Seeker, Who Made Who and Double Stuff. Funny, but I'm kind of drawing a blank trying to remember...
  17. DLD

    Ranking Club Calf Bulls

    When he was younger, I was as big a Bojo fan as anybody.  But how many Bojo's have gone on to win as market steers?  I'm sure a few have, but I've been around quite a few of them (even raised a few), and most got a little framey and a little plainer in the end.  I will admit none of the Texas...
  18. DLD

    Replacing a Switch?

    Do the switches you got have any hide left on them?  In the old days we used to leave a strip of hide, 3" or so long, and attach that to the tail with zip ties.  Back then we tied the tails up higher, though - this meant the balled up switch would cover the part where it was attached.  Not sure...