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  1. DLD

    Red Angus steer shows

    I know Houston and San Antonio at least have Red Angus steer classes.  Classification is strictly visual (papers and breeders don’t matter) but I believe they want them to appear pretty much purebred. We have the classes in the books for Red Angus steers at OYE and Tulsa, but haven’t gotten...
  2. DLD


    I would have shown in my first Oklahoma City spring junior show in 1978, I believe. I did alright with some heifers, never made the sale with a steer ‘til my senior year (1983) when I had reserve Hereford. Between my nieces and nephews, other families I’ve helped, and my own kids, I don’t...
  3. DLD


    Roadrunner, I have to ask why not start a discussion about Houston rather than one about why we aren’t discussing Houston?  Like Tallcool1 said, we really don’t get much discussion about steer shows anywhere on this forum anymore.  Unlike Tallcool1, I have nothing against slick shear shows, and...
  4. DLD

    Where have all the readers/posters gone?

    I’ve been here since April 2007 - another refugee from the old ShowSteers board. I think these boards tend to have a life cycle, a kind of ebb and flow of their own. Regular posters get busy, or bored, or distracted, or sometimes their interests change. I’m not at all complaining about the...
  5. DLD

    trend of show steers

    I wasn’t there, and don’t know it for a fact, but there’s a good chance those 2 steers that won have been shown a few times this fall/winter.  I know that both of them resemble the steers those kids showed at Kansas City, and also the one Horn showed at Louisville. If this was their second or...
  6. DLD

    Sweating Calves

    It’s not actually sweat; rather condensation gathering on a calf’s warm body from a cooler, damp atmosphere. Mostly you see it with cattle in barns that are somewhat warmer than the cold outside temperature. It’s one reason you see so many fans running in show barns when it seems cold enough...
  7. DLD

    trend of show steers

    Gargan, I don’t know what that yellow steer weighed, but I’m guessing you were reading the Pulse like I was.  They just called him the champion “light cross”, but it meant he won the light colored division, not light weight. Light colored basically being white, grey or yellow with no white spots...
  8. DLD

    Show calf tendon surgery

    Fluid pockets don’t necessarily always lead to anything worse.  Unless they’re huge, your best bet is to leave them alone.  Make sure your calf has plenty of exercise, good minerals, and keep them on the softest surfaces possible.  If you just can’t stand it, I’d treat it topically rather than...
  9. DLD


    The biggest difference in Sullivans and Weavers is that Sullivans sets much faster. Many experienced fitters prefer it, because they can get their desired effect faster and with less product. I believe part of that preference comes from familiarity - Sullivans products have been around much...
  10. DLD

    Speakers/radios at shows

    Thankfully, it usually works.  Being a jerk’s not fun when you get called on it. We have interesting acoustics in the barns at Oklahoma City (state fair and OYE) - there are 6” (or more) thick solid concrete walls about 7’ high separating each aisle.  You don’t hear much from the next aisle...
  11. DLD

    American Royal Steer Show

    Sounds familiar.  He was all over the place at Tulsa as well.  Good with the kids, sounded good on the mic (even if what he said sometimes didn’t make much sense), but impossible to follow. We were entered in KC, and had every intention of going if we didn’t make the sale at Tulsa (before we...
  12. DLD

    Speakers/radios at shows

    It doesn't have to be inappropriate to be annoying.  The worst I've run into for a long time were playing contemporary Christian music.  So loud we had to yell at one another 80' away.  When I asked them to please turn it down, I was first told we should rejoice in their choice of music... They...
  13. DLD

    Advice on feeding a steer

    Our county and state shows are in March and we'd consider your steer to be right on track.  180 days at an average gain of 2 pounds a day is 360 - that would put you around 1350, which is a pretty ideal weight.  I'd even prefer to be a little heavier full, so you can pull a bit and still be in...
  14. DLD

    calming agents for 4H steer

    Just because Focus is all natural does not mean that you can't overdose it.  Too much will make them get soft in their top and/or want to drag their feet, just like ace.  I use Focus and I believe it works (on most of them anyway), but you have to start slow and see how it works on each...
  15. DLD

    Well Water and joint problems

    Interesting idea.  I've never thought about that but it does intrigue me because we have really hard water here - it'd be nice to know if it was causing (I'm thinking not likely) or compounding existing joint issues (this seems possible).  The barn where we start and halter break all of our...
  16. DLD

    My daughter didn't "just" show a calf......

    That's one of the best things I've read in a long time.  You are so right - some people do "just show a calf" - they'll never get out of it what your kids already have. Congratulations to your family, and best of luck in your coming years in the show ring - though I've always believed you make...
  17. DLD

    Souix Empire Hereford bull?

    Has anyone seen any calves yet? 
  18. DLD

    Shade Cloth Suggestions

    We buy ours mostly at Harbor Freight.  I'm not positive, but I think you can order online from them if there's not a location near you.  Tractor Supply has them, too - I'm pretty sure you can order online from them.  They'll have them listed as mesh tarps, btw.
  19. DLD

    Ft Worth steer show

    I like the Denver system, and I don't think communication is necessarily the issue there (I believe each judge evaluates and places the class independently, then the placings are sort of averaged together using 2 judges results while the third is the tiebreaker, on a rotating basis) but I don't...
  20. DLD

    Sullivans Shock vs Zoom Bloom

    Maybe I just haven't learned to use Shock yet, or maybe I'm just old school, but I feel like I get better results with Zoom Bloom.  I just seem to get as much pop and more shine with it. The key with it (and probably the other too) is to blow it in, then keep blowing it for a long time, and then...