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  1. DLD


    Texas nominates (well, in TX it's validates) in June, so that's going to be tough.  Here in OK we nominate in late October, so that might work.  I know some of the southeastern states have spring shows, though I don't know when their nominations are.
  2. DLD


    Since no one from Kentucky has answered your question, I'll give it a try.  It probably depends on what time of year your county and state fairs are, and what their weight limits are. Most steer shows don't have any specific age rules these days, weight is what matters. Most calves that age...
  3. DLD

    Fair market animal weigh backs

    I see.  I don't think you could even pump 26% without killing one.  That's 338 pounds if the full weight was 1300.  I gotta go with XBar on this one - didn't happen.  Somebody made a mistake, probably the sale barn - it happens (probably mixed up tag numbers).  In that situation 5% is the...
  4. DLD

    Fair market animal weigh backs

    So you have an official weigh in on Wednesday for a show on Friday, but you have to weigh back on Sunday?  No weigh back at show time?  Is this a terminal show, where the weights are used for selling the calf?  Sorry for the questions, just trying to understand. Around here we turn in our own...
  5. DLD

    Youth Stock Shows in the Southeast....A dieing thing?

    I see Stierwalt has a couple of clinics scheduled in Tennesee in February and March.  Look up  Stierwalt Cattle and Clinics for their full schedule.
  6. DLD

    Smokin Bob

    Very nice heifer Gargan!
  7. DLD

    Pic of our 3 year old at her first show

    Great pic. Those are fun times.
  8. DLD

    N/c when your world comes crashing down

    Sending my thoughts and prayers as well. 
  9. DLD

    Trailer opinion needed

    If you order a trailer, you can pretty much get escape doors and/or ramps any size and any place you want them. Same goes for placement and style of center gates, size of tack/dressing rooms, etc... You can go to and search stock trailers in your area. At least in our...
  10. DLD

    Seeking advice

    Yep.  If their heifers don't look and act as well as they have been, they should realize why and if they care they'll want to change it.  If they don't care then it's up to you from there.
  11. DLD

    Trailer opinion needed

    Floating center gates are great if you use the trailer mostly for shows and not heavy ranch use - some may be better, but I've seen some get torn up when they get a lot of pressure from crowding or wilder cattle.  Side ramps are prob'ly worthwhile, but we've never had one - our current trailer...
  12. DLD

    Steer is eating rocks/dirt

    He definitely needs a mineral source, but I'd offer him free access to a salt block, too.  Part of it may be just boredom - better he's licking a salt block than the dirt.
  13. DLD

    Quick opinion

    Black and white steer looks plenty fat.  And I agree he looks thicker and bigger bodied.  But, without seeing them together, seeing them move, and handling them, it's pretty hard for us to say it was wrong or right.  I can tell you that a packer buyer would probably choose the solid black one...
  14. DLD

    Calving Ease Sires:Ali Solution, Daddy's Money, No Worries

    Daddy's Money bull calf at 5 days. He weighed 84, but that's partly our fault because his mother was getting 5 lbs/day of show calf feed (along with unlimited good Bermuda grass hay). We assisted because we'd been gone awhile and weren't sure how long she's been at it, but it was an easy pull...
  15. DLD

    Dying My Steer poll

    It all depends on the rules where you're going to be showing him.  If it's against the rules, I'd leave it alone, but if it's not and you feel like it would help him place better, then go for it.  You will have to dye those white spots multiple times to get them truly black, especially if you...
  16. DLD

    Dying My Steer

    I've never tried it myself, but I've always been told that if you want to dye a white spot black, you need to dye it red/brown first. Just like using auburn touch up before black over white on a leg, it helps prevent the grey tint that black on white gets.
  17. DLD

    Questions about fall born clubby calves

    There's a very good market for fall born steers in Oklahoma, and some of the southeastern states as well as Texas.
  18. DLD

    "Cowboy" has been in a bad wreck

    Sending our prayers as well.  Thanks for letting us know RW.
  19. DLD

    Genetic Defects in Shorthorns

    I hesitate to even say this because I haven't really researched it myself, but a friend of mine had kept a really nice Shorthorn calf for a bull. He told me that he had him tested and was told that he was a "homozygous DS carrier", meaning that he could sire an affected calf even out of a clean...
  20. DLD

    Steer show it time to change?

    I believe that the reason Fort Worth doesn't let you show if you class out is to keep people from trying everything that might accidentally classify. If you could still show cross after you got kicked out, anything with a remote chance to classify in a breed would try, and there's just not...