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  1. DLD

    Steer show it time to change?

    I think, at least at OYE and Tulsa these days, breed classification is more than anything a tool to keep class sizes smaller. The current size classes fit the ring size and the time allotted for showing steers, and are easier to handle (line up, etc..).  Plus it gives away more blue ribbons. ...
  2. DLD

    Stierwalt Chutes

    Have you tried switching those top bars around?  Swap sides and/or ends and see if they line up right.  It's possible that yours got mixed up when you bought it, or before though.
  3. DLD

    Hereford marked club calf Bulls

    None of the Hereford marked clubby bulls can give you a guaranteed Hereford marked calf.  The more Hereford in your cows, the better your odds will be.  I'm not saying don't try it, just saying don't bet the farm on all of 'em being marked good.
  4. DLD

    Heifer issue? Anyone

    I'd try leaving the pair penned up together for awhile.  Feed the heifer some grain, supplement the calf, but not so much that it won't try to nurse.  Sometimes they'll go ahead and come to their milk in a few days.  It still may not be much, but if you like her well enough to wait and see, she...
  5. DLD

    When is it considered overkill?

    I don't know or care what anyone else paid for their show calf, much less what percentage of their household income that might be.  I do know what caliber of cattle we're showing against, and what it costs to buy one good enough to compete with them, and what it's going to cost to get them...
  6. DLD

    When is it considered overkill?

    Sorry, guess I'm late to the party, but this post seems pretty important to me. Yes, the whole junior show deal is pretty much overkill.  But nowadays we're stacking our overkill so deep that a whole lot of people are tired of trying to keep up.  There are some of us that are going to keep...
  7. DLD

    Terminal Shows, such as Denver

    If the market shows at Denver weren't terminal, they'd have many times the entries they do now (just the number of Oklahoma and Texas exhibitors who are already feeding for their major shows over the next couple of months that would love a shot at another premium sale would be huge).  Simply...
  8. DLD

    Our Red Angus bull

    Very nice bull, RW!  Congratulations on the wins - looks like he's had a nice career.
  9. DLD

    NWSS Steer Show Info

    I can tell you that last year we took junior market goats, and no one could/would tell us how many would be in the premium sale until classes were broke and posted.  Turned out they only sold the division champions and reserves (3 divisions I think, could have been 4 - I've slept since then).  I...
  10. DLD

    Photo Manipulation

    +1 And I'm sometimes wrong about the one's I thought were worth going to look at too...
  11. DLD

    Registration questions

    6.25% is the minimum only to show and/or sell at National events (Louisville, Fort Worth, Junior Nationals...).  Lower percentages can still be registered and are still eligible to show in state shows, unless your state association or the particular show has a different rule, so the Bodacious...
  12. DLD

    Cloning bulls

    If that picture's any indication, TN 70 was pretty straight off both ends...
  13. DLD

    Cloning bulls

    Club calf bulls may not ever really get the chance to produce a son that breeds better than themselves because most of their phenotypically better sons end up as steers, not as herd bulls.  Likely the only reason Full Throttle didn't get cut was his older (by 2 years) brother, Takin' Names...
  14. DLD

    Help! Steer Afraid of People

    Sounds like you're making good progress - congratulations. You're prob'ly past needing this now, but it might help someone else who reads this.  Another thing to try is to take him other places, not necessarily to shows; take him to friends places who show - tie him in their barn, work him...
  15. DLD

    Me vs. Trausch Farms

    I agree that your DA should help, the question is if they're willing.  Our old DA helped me out on a couple deals - usually just a phone call or letter from them works miracles on someone that really intends to pay, but is just dragging it out for whatever reason.  The one's that never intended...
  16. DLD

    Selling cattle on here

    I agree with this for sure - especially in the case of (but not necessarily limited to) people that just don't get out much. The overall quality has increased so much everywhere in the past few years, that it's so very easy to get behind and have no idea that you are.  You just can't...
  17. DLD

    Retaining Cell Lines??

    I really don't believe that the term "cell line" means that includes any offspring of the animal in question.  I've always heard it said that the first step in cloning is to establish a cell line from the original animal to be cloned.  That said, I'm also put off by sales that retain cloning and...
  18. DLD

    What bulls work best for Angus cattle?

    My experience, for what it's worth, is that Angus (or any other pb British cows), no matter how good they are, just won't consistently throw as much power out of the same bulls as cows that have some clubby type breeding in their own background.  It just takes more than one generation to get the...
  19. DLD

    are online sales legit?

    If you want to buy anything, you need to decide what that one is worth to you, bid 'til you get them bought or they get out of your price range (same with a live auction, private treaty, whatever...).  If you get one bought be happy, if you don't, forget about that one and find another one. ...
  20. DLD

    Is fitting ethical

    Not to start any fights, just some possible talking points for the paper... Consider this - slick ones have to be slicked before they get to the show.  How "ethical" is it to have to slick your show steers in February if you live in the northern part of the Texas panhandle (for instance) ? ...